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New Inventory Request

Accessible from Main Menu → Warehouse module → Inventory Requests

The process of creating a new inventory request can be divided into two stages.

1st stage - New Inventory request creating

2nd stage - requested items adding

How to create a New Inventory Request

  1. To create a new Inventory Request, please click the New button on the Requests or Request Items mode and move to the New Cake Request tab which will be opened in the next line

2. Fill the information. Required fields are marked by red asterisks *

Status selector *- “Open” status is a default value. You can change statuses during the process

Date required*- current date is the default. To change the date, use a date picker or input data manually

Order location  - the place where products are ordered

Requested by department * -which department requested products. Departments list should be previously created 

Delivery to location *- place which requested products. Locations/Stations list should be previously created

Delivery to department - select the department that requested the products

Request reason - a text area for notes and comments

3. Confirm creation by clicking the Save button - general information will appear in the header: ID, Request number, date/time creation

How to add inventory items to the request

When a request has already created the section for adding items (products) will be available. The section consists of four tab

  • Requested Items tab

  1. You can add items to the current request by clicking the New button and fields will appear in the line below:

Description - input field for notes

Category selector - please note category entities should be previously creating

Product selector - products should be added before to the system

Purchase Units selector - package, for example, box, block, bucket, bag, etc.

Purchase Qty - number of packages

Qty - number of pieces in a package

2. After adding items, please click the Save button

Additional features 

There are opportunities to create (1) Move Orders and (2) Product Purchase Order quick creation for selected items

Files tab

The section for files uploading with the possibility to attach the required file to the email

  1. To upload the file, press the Upload button → Load →  select the required document → Save

2. The functionality of the Files tab:

  • Delete button
  • Download/Open button
  • Email this file button ( one file)
  • Sent all uploaded files button

Approvals tab

To confirm inventory request, press the Approve button and the information about the responsible person will be displayed

To delete Approval select user in the table and click the Delete button

Request Items tab

The tab displayed items filtering by request ID

Functionality and data are the same as Inventory Requests → Request items mode

Additional feature

You have an opportunity to create a Product Purchase order with the automatically selected supplier


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