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New Aircraft Type

Home page→ Info & rates→ Aircraft types

To create a new AC Type, click the New button on the Aircraft Types page

Data and Full Data tabs are available by default. Other tabs are not available until the aircraft type is saved


The page is divided into two parts: Main Information and Other Information

  • On the Main information select Type, fill in Type and Full name manually, specify units.

Add min crew, min-max seats, max fuel, max range(hrs), year start, ICAO/IATA

  • In case you need to add aircraft with Helicopter category, tick checkbox "Rotary wing"

Note! Pay attention to the TYPE selector. The user interface may change depending on Type selection


  • In the Other Information section, you can specify mtow, cabin dimensions, hold size, manufacturer, category (mandatory field), family, endurance range, runway

Also, you can select positions and maintenances

  • After fill in the required data click the button

Full Data

Complete detailed information about the aircraft and click Update Aircraft type

Callery tab

The Callery tab allows you to upload Exterior, Interior, and Drawings photos of the aircraft. This data is used for some reports and quotes

Fuel Burn tab

On the Fuel burn tab, you can fill in information about flight time, tow, fuel burn.

Use the corresponding buttons to add a row, add a column or remove the last column

Trainings tab

You can add the required training for a particular aircraft

List description:

Name - training name

ACType -  aircraft type

Term - training validity period (month)

Q-ty - count of training days

Description - comments and details

Notes - notes

  • To add a new training use the form on the right side of the screen, complete it and click Save

Auto Charges Types

The tab allows you to add auto-charge types for calculations

Tab is available by permission viewAutoChargesTypesTab

List Description:

Type - charge type

Sub-type - charge sub-type

Default Qty - default quantity

Default rate - rate

From date -the start of the tariff

Unit - unit

Currency - currency of the charge

Applied to - the rate applied to distance, fuel burn, ground time, flight time, etc

Enabled - actually auto charges types are marked by a green tick

To add a new auto charge type use the form on the right side of the screen and click Save

Training Base tab

On the tab you can add missing training. Functionality is the same as Training Base

Crew Positions tab

On the tab, you can add missing crew positions and their details. Functionality is the same as Aircraft Positions

Aircraft tab

The tab displays a list of the aircraft for the particular aircraft type. Functionality on the page the same as Aircraft Database


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