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Training Base

Home Page→ System Settings→ Crew→ Crew training base


All aviation staff needs various training to improve and support their qualifications. 

The interface allows you to enter the necessary training into the system and control their expiration date and training period

Main functionality on the page:

1.Search field allows you to filter information by such parameters as name, AC types, description, term, note

2.The existing items table contains the next data:

  • Name - training name
  • ACTypes - aircraft type
  • Descr - training description
  • Term - training validity period (month)
  • Note - additional information
  • For -   type of Attendance for the Training type: Pilot, Attendance, or Maintenance

3.The Editor - the set of buttons and fields, which helps you to add new items, edit and delete existing entries


  • To add new training to the base please click the NEW button in the Editor, fill the following fields:

Name - training name is a mandatory field

Description - description of a training

Priority - the list of existing training types is sorted in ascending order of priority

Term(month) - validity period of the training

Allowance(month) -  the next training can be completed in the entered period, while the current training remains valid

MIN Between(month) - a minimum period between the Training date of the current training and the Training date of the next training

Interval(month) - it is the maximum time interval between the first and third training

Note - text area for comments and details

Pilot/ Attendance/ Maintenance - select a type of Attendance (pilot, crew cabin, technicians) for the Training type

  • To confirm creation, click the Save button

After saving the data you will be able to specify the aircraft 

  • Select the aircraft in the drop-down and click +ADD. You can select one or several ACTypes

  • To delete ACtypes, select it from the list below drop-down and click Delete

  • To edit the required training please select it on the list. Make changes and click Save

Please note: There is no opportunity to delete previously created training


  • There are no permissions on the page

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