Aircraft Types
Home Page→ Info & Rates→ Aircraft Types→ Aircraft Types
The Aircraft Types page displays general information about the aircraft types, their characteristics, manufacturers, payloads, MTOW, etc.
Also, you have an opportunity to add new aircraft types, edit and delete outdated items
List description:
Type Full Name - full type name of the aircraft
Type Name - short name of the aircraft type
Crouping - group classification
Category - category of the aircraft
Manufacturer - manufacturer of the aircraft
Type - type of the aircraft: VIP, Cago, Comm
Aircraft - planes count for a particular aircraft type
IATA - aircraft type designation by IATA
ICAO - aircraft type designation by ICAO
MTOW - max takeoff weight (kg)
Payload - payload of the aircraft
Max. Pax - maximum number of passengers
CR Speed - cruise speed
Runway - minimum runway
Volume - volume loading of the aircraft
Range - maximum range the aircraft can fly
Max. Fuel - maximum fuel of the aircraft
Hold Size - hold size of the aircraft
Rotary - aircraft with rotary wing are marked with a green tick
Sorting and Filtering
Awery system proposes flexible filters for convenient and quick search.
Use Manufacturer, Grouping, Type selectors or Search field. Also, units are available parameters
In Filters you can input more specific parameters as Pax, Payload, Range, Hours
Also, you can view items with filled AC database, deleted and empty gallery aircraft types - use the corresponding checkboxes
Other Options
- You can delete outdated aircraft types. Make sure that canDelete permission is true
- To add a new aircraft category click the button
and move to Aircraft Categories
Categories you can specify when create or update aircraft type
- By double-clicking the entry - you can view the aircraft type details and update data
- You can create a new aircraft type. Make sure that canCreate permission is true and click the New button