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Aircraft Positions

Home Page→ System settings→ Aircraft module→ Aircraft positions


This interface allows you to view the whole list of positions and details that affect the tracking of working hours for a particular position. 

Also, you have an opportunity to add new and edit existing positions

Main functionality on the page

1.Search - allows you to find items by position and short name

2.The table of existing items contains the columns below:

    • Position - full name of the position
    • Short name - the abbreviation of the position

3.Editor -  where you can add a new item or edit already existed items


  • To add a new Position, click the New button in the Editor.

The form for creating contains the following fields:

1.Position - full name. The field is mandatory

2.  Short Position - short position name (abbreviation)

3. Priority - integer field, affects the sequence of displaying positions when assigning to a flight

4. Attendance - default value is GENERAL, but you can select other types from the drop-down list: Pilot, Attendance, Maintenance. These parameters often affect the printing of the report

5. % to Duty time - decimal field. Percentage (%) of the rate per shift, depending on the position in which the crew member is assigned to the flight

6. Daily Duty Rate - decimal field. Rate per work shift

7. Min Rest Before -  minimum rest for a position before being assigned to the next flight

8. Min Rest After - minimum rest for a position after last flight

9. Duty before - time to complete all procedures before takeoff. Min value: 00:00, max value 23:59

 The check-box “Use global settings” is ticked and the default value is used for calculation crew member  working time or you can add data manually

10. Duty after - time to complete all procedures after aircraft landing. Min value: 00:00, max value 23:59

 The check-box “Use global settings” is ticked and the default value is used for calculation crew member  working time or you can add data manually

11. Notes - the text area

12. Check-boxes are optional 

■Generic - there is no filtration by position when assigning crew to a flight. The list  contains the names of all employees

■For all AC Types - position can be assigned to any aircraft type

■Work time only - this parameter is used for FDTL module. Do not count sectors where a crew is assigned in position with tick “Work time only” 

■Sectors - used for FDTL module, the number of sectors will affects the employee`s salary in that position

  • After filling the data, click the Save button and the position will appear in the list
  • In case you need to make some changes, please select the required position on the list. The data will be displayed in the editor. After making edits click Save

  • To delete, select the required item on the list and the Delete button will appear in the editor, click it

Using The Aircraft Positions in the system:

  • In case of adding a new aircraft to the database or editing existing AC Type

  • In cases of appointing an employee to a position

  • When assigning a position to a flight


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