Date of Entry will be by default of today, Due date should be inserted to track due payments after
System supports multi-currency settlements, so to set the currencies for a specific entry, you need to select them for Debit and Credit side
To simplify the works, there are some presets in the system for specific transactions. By choosing them system automatically picks up Dr/ Cr Accounts
But as well, they can be chosen manually
Then insert the amount of transaction per quantity or the fixed price
If the entry must be done in different currencies, you may insert Currency value as the initial value in Debit currency and the system will recalculate the Credit amount
For reporting options, Direct expenses can be chosen
Add the description of the job to be shown on the print out
After the information is added and rechecked, press
To disable editing of this entry and to get it reflected in Statements and reports, Post it
You can print it
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