How to create New Issued Cheque
Access Bank Payment Voucher:
Navigate to Bank Payment Voucher > Payments & Cheques.
Insert the cheque number and click the Plus ('+') button.
Review Details and Add Status
In the newly opened window, review the details and add the status 'DUE'. Then, click "Add Cheque".
Connect to Bank Receipt Voucher
The created cheque will be connected to the Bank Receipt Voucher (BRV), which serves as your accounting entry for the cheque. Ensure to post the BRV.
Upload Scan Picture
You can upload a scan picture of your cheque to the cheque in the system for reference.
Clear Cheque
Once you have cleared a cheque, change the status to 'CLEARED' and add the clear date. The job date in BRV will automatically be replaced by the clear date from the cheque.
Monitor Outstanding Balance
You can see the total amount of all 'DUE' cheques on the Outstanding Balance page. These cheques will also be shown separately as Pending Cheques on Customer Statements and Outstanding Statements.
Additional Display Locations
Bank Accounts List: Total by all your received cheques will be displayed.
Bank Book: Cheques will be depicted separately.
Bank Reconciliation: Cheques will also be depicted separately.