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Homepage → Orders & POS → Executors

The interface allows the user an opportunity to evaluate the productivity of each executor, based on the complexity of the work performed and the amount of time that was spent on the implementation of each order

Main interface

  1. Blue zone - panel with the main functional
  2. Green zone - panel with secondary functional
  3. Red zone - information preview

Main functional panel description:

  1. Quick Search field allows to filter information displayed in the information preview zone
  2. Datepickers allow to set the needed period up. Pay attention - date interval is limited by 35 sequenced days. For the quick adjusting is available Month and Year selectors
  3. Departments and Positions selectors allow to filter employee by their attributes (see Departments)

Secondary functional panel description:

  1. Refresh data
  2. Export data with Reports. Reports allow to export data to pdf and xls formats with parameters adjusted on the main functional panel
  3. Clear applied filters 

Main information preview:

  1. Name – the name of the executor
  2. Department – the name of the executor’s department
  3. Position – the executor’s post
  4. Total – the total amount of time for the selected period (hh:mm)
  5. Date column - amount of time for the date (hh:mm). In case the working time is more than 14 hours, the color of the fortwill be red

Secondary information preview:

With the click on the any row of the table will be summoned a secondary block of the information about all orders of the displayed executors from the main table for the all period. In case the total time is more than the time in the order complexity, the line will be highlighted in red

  1. Order – the number of the order
  2. Status – the current order’s condition
  3. Complexity – the level of the complication (see Order Complexity)
  4. Start – the time and the day of the working begins
  5. End - the time and the day of the working ends
  6. Total time – the amount of the working hours (hh:mm)

How to add a new executor to the list:

  1. Go to the “Orders” list and select the necessary order (see Orders*)
  2. Go to the “Executors” tab
  3. Select the necessary executor, fill in the date and the time in the “IN” variant
  4. Click the “Save” button to confirm 
  5. Select the same executor, fill in the date and the time in the “OUT” variant
  6. Click the “Save” button to confirm
  7. Go to the “Executors list and find the new entry


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