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Order Complexity

Home Page→ System Settings→ E-commerce→ Order Complexity


Allows to create and edit Order Complexity.

You can select the Complexity of order when creating new.

List description:

  • Name - Order Complexity name
  • Time - Order Complexity time
  • Color - Color of Order Complexity 
  • Default - Designation  selected by default


  • Completing the form to create an Order Complexity, if you opened the list 'Order Complexity' for the first time.

Or press on the ‘+’ button, if you started switching between records. Then the form to create Order Complexity will be empty

  • Press on the Save button to save your entry after completing the form
  • The 'Default' check-box

Default - the entry will be selected by default when creating a New Order in Complexity field (see the section ‘Where you can use it’).

  • To delete select the required entry on the list and click the Delete button.

Where you can use it:

  • First of all, the Order Complexity you can use for filtering the Order list.

  • Second, you can use it when creating a New Order.
    The order, which you selected as default, will be displayed in the Complexity field or you can choose one of the presented types in the Complexity selector


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