Supplier types
At Pick Lists Setup page in the left menu find ‘Supplier types’ and click on it.
Now you can see three managing blocks: ‘Add/Edit Suppliers types’, ‘List of Available Supplier types’, ‘List of Disabled Supplier types’.
How to change Supplier Type name
All Suppliers types have default names. You can see those at the List of Available Supplier types.
To change Supplier Type name, at the ‘Add/Edit Suppliers types’ managing block click on ‘+ New’ button.
New ‘custom Type name’ field will be added:
In drop down list choose the Type needed and type new name. After new name is added, click on the ‘Save’ button.
Supplier type changed! New name will appear in the lists:
To discard changes, click on ‘X’ button and then ‘Save’.
After custom name deleted, default name will be shown in the lists.
How to disable Supplier Types
At Pick Lists Setup page in the left menu find ‘Supplier types’ and click on it.
To disable Supplier types, use the third managing block ‘List of Disabled Supplier types’.
To disable the type, choose it from the dropdown list and click on ‘+ Add’ button.
After you added Type to ‘Disabled types’ list, it will disappear from the dropdown lists in the system.
Nevertheless, it would cause some problems, if disabled types just disappear from the lists, because probably those types were already used for some pages.
For that case, if disabled type were used somewhere in the system before, it will be colored red as a tip for users, saying: ‘This type is disabled, please, choose another’.
For example, at User settings:
Once user chooses another Supplier type, disabled type will disappear and will never be shown again except somebody deletes it from 'Disabled Supplier types' list.
To delete Type from Disable Types list, click ‘X’ button.