Awery page: menu
Main Menu categories:
Flights. Section: Flights
Flights. Section: Enquiry
Flights. Section: Aircraft
Flights. Section: Services
Flights. Section: Map & Empty Legs
Flights. Section: Charter Calculations
Cargo. Section: Truck Trips
Cargo. Section: Shipments
Cargo. Section: Cargo Rates & Quotes
Cargo. Section: Warehouse
Hospitality. Section: Sales Management
Hospitality. Section: POS
Hospitality. Section: Products
Broker & Services. Section: Air Tickets
Contacts. Section: Clients
Contacts. Section: Activities/Messaging
Contacts. Section: Suppliers
Contacts. Section: Operators
Crew. Section: Crew Management
Crew. Section: Pilots
Crew. Section: Flight Attendance
Crew. Section: Engineers/Tech
Accounts. Section: Entries
Accounts. Section: Receivables & Payables
Accounts. Section: Bank
Accounts. Section: Cash
Accounts. Section: Fixed Assets/Prepaym.
HR. Section: Human Resources
HR. Section: Payroll
HR. Section: Locator
Warehouse. Section: Catalogs
Warehouse. Section: Inventory
Warehouse. Section: Inventory Reports
Info&Rates. Section: Info
Info&Rates. Section: Aircraft types
Info&Rates. Section: Rates
Reports. Section: Operational reports
Reports. Section: Accounting Reports
Reports. Section: Compliance
Settings. Section: Users Management
Settings. Section: Setup
Settings. Section: Accounting Setup
Settings. Section: Travelling
Settings. Section: Help and About
Category: Flights
Section: Flights
Menu Item: Flights Database flights_database_browse
Showing the list of Flights
Menu Item: New Flight Wizard prebooking_browse
Creating new Flight using wizard (step by step approach)
Menu Item: Block permissions browse_block_permissions
Showing the list of Block Permissions
Menu Item: Schedules view_flight_schedules
Showing the list of existing flight schedules
Menu Item: Flights Gant View view_mesh_flights
Showing flights in graphical view
Menu Item: Flight Services Status viewWaypointServices
Showing the list of all flights services
Menu Item: Flight logs flights_reports_browse
Showing the list of flights only with entered flight reports (logs)
Menu Item: Action types viewEditActionTypes
(Under development) - Showing list of actions should be done with aircraft by hadling company
Section: Enquiry
Menu Item: Com. Enquiries viewPaxCharterQuotations
Allows to browse, add or edit Enquiries for commercial (passenger) flights
Menu Item: VIP Enquiries viewVipCharterQuotations
Allows to browse, add or edit private jet Enquiries
Menu Item: Cargo Enquiries viewCargoCharterQuotations
Allows to browse, add or edit Cargo Enquiries
Menu Item: New Comm. Enquiry view_new_pax_enquiry
Showing interface for adding Commercial (passenger) enquiry
Menu Item: New Cargo Enquiry view_new_cargo_enquiry
Showing interface for adding cargo enquiry
Menu Item: New VIP Enquiry view_new_vip_enquiry
Showing interface for adding VIP (private jet) enquiry
Menu Item: My Enquiries viewMyCharterQuotations
Allows to browse, add or edit Enquiries created by current user
Menu Item: All Enquiries viewCharterQuotationsAll
Allows to browse, add or edit All Enquiries (saved flight/charter calculation)
Menu Item: Office Enquiries viewOfficeCharterQuotations
Allows to browse, add or edit Enquiries created by users from current users Office
Section: Aircraft
Menu Item: Aircraft Database aircrafts_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit aircrafts
Menu Item: Aircraft Documents viewAircraftDocuments
Allows to browse, add or edit aircrafts documents
Menu Item: Comm.J Registration viewPaxAirctafts
Allows to browse, add or edit Comm.J aircrafts (aircrafts with type = Comm.J)
Menu Item: Cargo Registration viewCargoAirctafts
Allows to browse, add or edit Cargo aircrafts (aircrafts with type = Cargo)
Menu Item: VIP Registration viewVipAirctafts
Allows to browse, add or edit VIP aircrafts (aircrafts with type = VIP)
Menu Item: Aircraft Status Report viewAircraftsPlanning
Provide the list of planned aircraft activities for specified date range
Menu Item: Create ACMI Invoice viewACMIInvoiceWizard
Allows to browse, add or edit ACMI invoices
Menu Item: Aircrafts Planning viewAircraftsMeshPlanning
Provide graphical view of planned flights for specified date range
Section: Services
Menu Item: Fuellling fuel_supply_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit fuel services
Menu Item: Ground Handling ground_handling_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit ground handling services
Menu Item: Permissions overflying_clearances_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit permission services (landing/overfly)
Menu Item: Fuel Tickets browse_fuel_tickets
Allows to browse, add or edit fuel tickets
Section: Map & Empty Legs
Menu Item: Flights Map browse_map
Showing on the map flights/aircrafts/Crew/Airports
Menu Item: Enquiries MAP viewInquiriesMap
Showing on the map enquiries for specified dates range
Menu Item: Empty Legs viewEmptylegs
Showing the list of Empty Leg with extended filtering
Menu Item: VIP Enquiries MAP viewVipInquiriesMap
Showing on the map VIP (private jet) enquiries with extended filtering options
Menu Item: Cargo Enquiries MAP viewCargoInquiriesMap
Showing on the map cargo enquiries with extended filtering options
Menu Item: Com. Enquiries MAP viewPaxInquiriesMap
Showing on the map commercial (passengers) enquiries with extended filtering options
Section: Charter Calculations
Menu Item: Enquiry Calculations calculation_enquiries
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Enquiry Calculations (calculation with open dates)
Menu Item: Calculation Presets calculation_presets
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Calculation Presets (fixed set of expenses used in enquiry calculation, to use as template)
Category: Cargo
Section: Truck Trips
Menu Item: Truck Trips Database trucks_database_browse
Showing on map devices with tracker installed
Section: Shipments
Menu Item: AWB/HAWB Database awb_database_browse
Showing the list of AWBs/HAWBs
Menu Item: Cargo Planning Tool planning_browse
Showing the AWBs in table or map views; allows to assign AWB to the flight
Menu Item: AMD by pallets amd_database_browse
Showing the list of AMDs with split by palletes
Section: Cargo Rates & Quotes
Menu Item: Rate sheets viewBasicRates
Allows to browse, add or edit Cargo Rate Sheet
Menu Item: Surcharges viewBasicRates
Allows to browse, add or edit cost surcharges
Section: Shipments
Menu Item: AWB stock stock_browse
Tools for working with AWB stocks: create stock; assign to customers; working with stock companies
Section: Cargo Rates & Quotes
Menu Item: Cargo Quotations quotations_browse
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Cargo Quotations
Menu Item: AWB Proformas viewContractorProformas
Allows to browse, add or edit AWB Proforma Invoices
Section: Shipments
Menu Item: New AWB new_awb_browse
Creation of new airwaybill (AWB)
Menu Item: New AWB Wizard awb_wizard
Creation of new airwaybill (AWB) using wizard
Menu Item: AMD import wizard amd_database_browse
Wizard to import AMDs
Menu Item: AMD Customers browse_amd_customers
Showing the list of AMDs with split by customers
Menu Item: AMD by Missions amd_misions_browse
Showing the list of AMDs with split by missions
Section: Warehouse
Menu Item: Barcode Scans viewBarcodeScansHistory
Showing results of barcode scans
Section: Shipments
Menu Item: ITV import itv_import_wizard
Tool for import AWBs from external file
Section: Warehouse
Menu Item: Own Pallets pallets_own_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit pallets owned by the Company
Section: Shipments
Menu Item: AWB Locations viewAwbLocations
Showing AWBs list based on specified origin and destination locations
Menu Item: AWB profit viewAwbProfits
Showing financial statistics (Actual/Calculated profit, turnover, expenses; Chargeable weight, Units) as: 1. a table with possibility to export to PDF or Excel; 2. a graphs (pie or column chart view)
Section: Warehouse
Menu Item: Warehouse cargo warehouse_browse
Showing the list of AWBs allocated to specific warehouse as well as incoming/released AWBs
Menu Item: ULD Pallets pallets_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit ULD Pallets
Menu Item: Warehouses viewEditWarehouses
Allows to browse, add, edit or delete warehouses used in the system
Category: Hospitality
Section: Sales Management
Menu Item: Customer Bookings viewCakeBookings
Allows to browse, add or edit bookings got from customers
Menu Item: New Booking viewCakeBookings
Adding new customer booking
Menu Item: Orders viewCakeOrders
Allows to browse, add or edit Orders. Order is part of customer booking from one side, but from another is request for production. Each order is assigned to particular production facility. There is a link between order complexity and time needed to produce it
Menu Item: Order Planning viewCakeOrders
Shows the list of production requests (orders) split by date and time. Shows daily total time needed for orders production and available time (each production facility has available time based on working hours)
Menu Item: Order presets viewCakePresets
Allows to browse, add or edit Order Presets (set of items which could be used in orders as 'template')
Menu Item: Categories and prices viewCakeCategories
Allows to browse, add or edit Price List. Product list coud have up to 4 levels: Product Category->Product->Sub Category->Property. Sub Categories and Properties are edited here (Settings button, Properties)
Menu Item: Daily sales viewCakeDailySales
Shows number of sold units for each product for specified period
Menu Item: Executors viewCakeExecutors
Shows the list of Executors (people completing orders (productions requests)) with daily statistics on time spend on order completion
Section: POS
Menu Item: POS Reports viewPOSProcedures
Shows POS reports (POS terminal, Open Amount, Received amount, Withdraw, Close amount)
Menu Item: POS banks vewEditPOSBanks
View the list of POS banks (virtual bank associated with POS terminal)
Section: Products
Menu Item: Products viewCakeProducts
Allows to browse, add or edit Product Price List. Product list coud have up to 4 levels: Product Category->Product->Sub Category->Property. Sub Categories and Properties are edited here (Settings button, Properties)
Category: Broker & Services
Section: Air Tickets
Menu Item: Fare Bases viewFirebases
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit fares (ticket price for provided route ant type of fare)
Menu Item: PNRs viewPnrs
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or ticket reservation
Category: Contacts
Section: Clients
Menu Item: Customers customers_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Customers
Menu Item: My Customers viewMyCustomers
Showing the list of customers where current user set as sales person
Menu Item: Office Customers customers_office_browse
Showing the list of customers where user's office set as office
Menu Item: Airport Suppliers vendors_only_browse
Showing all suppliers
Menu Item: Contacts view_contacts_page
Showing the list of contacts
Menu Item: Preferences viewPreferences
Allows to browse, add or edit customer preferences (vendors, countries, suppliers, airports, agent types, flight categories, purposes, service types, equipment, priorities, etc.)
Section: Activities/Messaging
Menu Item: SITA Messages viewSita
(Under Development) Tool to work with SITA Messages
Menu Item: Mass Mailing sendSpam
Tool for Mass Mailing (sending messages to group of recipients)
Menu Item: Activities viewActivities
Working with the list of Activities
Menu Item: My activities viewMyActivities
Working with the list of Activities of current user
Menu Item: Project Tasks viewProjectTasks
Tool for handling tasks in project (add new task, change completion, set and track due date)
Menu Item: Mail Tool viewMailClient
View MailTool (tool to handling incoming emails and link them to items in the system based on ID in subject)
Menu Item: Tasks Gantt viewProjectsMesh
Graphical view of Tasks
Menu Item: Sent Items viewSystemSentItems
Working with the sent messages (emails, etc.)
Menu Item: Mail templates viewMailTemplates
Tool to work with message templates
Menu Item: Mass SMS sendSMSSpam
Tool for sending SMS messages to group of recipients
Section: Suppliers
Menu Item: Fuel Suppliers fuel_vendors_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Fuel Suppliers (customers with Main Type = Fuel Supplier)
Menu Item: Suppliers vendors_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Suppliers (customers with Main Type = Supplier)
Menu Item: Hotels hotels_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Hotels
Menu Item: CAA Authorities browse_authority
Allows to browse, add or edit CAA (Civil Aviation Authorities)
Menu Item: Sister Companies viewEditSisterComapnies
Allows to browse, add or edit Sister Companies (Suppliers with Main Type = Sister Company)
Menu Item: Shareholders
viewEditShareholdersAllows to browse, add or edit Shareholders
Menu Item: Agents viewEditAgents
Allows to browse, add or edit Agents (Suppliers with Main Type = Agent)
Menu Item: All Suppliers all_vendors_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Suppliers
Menu Item: Capabilities viewCapabilities
Allows to browse, add or edit preferred suppliers (for each airport, country, type of service, customers, etc. you can specify preferred supplier. System will pick it automatically)
Section: Operators
Menu Item: All Operators carriers_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Operators (customers with Main Type = Operator)
Menu Item: Comm.J. Operators pax_operator_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Operators of Comm.J aircrafts
Menu Item: Cargo operators cargo_operator_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Operators of Cargo aircrafts
Menu Item: VIP operators vip_operator_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Operators of VIP (private jet) aircrafts
Category: Crew
Section: Crew Management
Menu Item: Crew Sets browse_crews
Allows to browse, add or edit Crew Sets (combination of pilots and flight attendants working on the same flight)
Menu Item: Crew Flight Time browse_flight_duty_time_records
(OLD) Allows to manually edit or add flight time records
Menu Item: Crew Planning viewFlightPlan
Showing as a table all assigned flights for aviation staff for specified dates range
Menu Item: Crew Validation viewPilotValidationList
(OLD) Showing check list for required documents for the crew
Menu Item: Crew StandBy browse_crew_standby_records
Allows to browse, add or edit Crew StandBy's
Menu Item: FDTL Groups view_fdtl_groups
Allows to browse, add or edit Flight Duty Time Limitations groups
Menu Item: FDTL Analyses viewFdtlAnalyses
Provides list of FDTL records for selected crew member and specified dates range
Menu Item: FDTL Planning viewFDTLPlan
Allows to assign crew to the flight, estimate FDTL, create manual roster
Section: Pilots
Menu Item: Captains Only viewCaptainsOnly
Allows to browse, add or edit captains list (pilots with position = Captain); showing expiration of documents and training
Menu Item: Additional Payments viewAdditionalPayments
Allows to browse, add or edit pilots additional payments
Menu Item: Pilot Trainings viewPilotTrenings
Allows to browse, add or edit Pilot Trainings; shows training expiration date
Menu Item: Pilot Documents viewPilotDocuments
Allows to browse, add or edit Pilot Documents
Menu Item: Pay Roll create_crew_payroll
Allows to browse or create Crew Pay Roll
Menu Item: Pilot List viewPilots
Allows to browse, add or edit Pilot List; showing expiration of documents and training
Section: Crew Management
Menu Item: All Aviation Staff pilots_database_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit All Aviation Staff (Pilots, Flight Attendants, Engineers\Technicians)
Section: Flight Attendance
Menu Item: Attendance Database viewAttendance
Allows to browse, add or edit flight attendants (cabin crew) database
Menu Item: Trainings viewAttendentTrenings
Allows to browse, add or edit flight attendants training; shows training expiration date
Menu Item: Documents viewAttendentDocuments
Allows to browse, add or edit flight attendants documents with tracking of expiration
Section: Engineers/Tech
Menu Item: Technicians Database browse_maintenance
Allows to browse, add or edit Technicians Database
Menu Item: Trainings viewMaintenanceTrenings
Allows to browse, add or edit Technicians training courses with expiration control
Menu Item: Documents viewMaintenanceDocuments
Allows to browse, add or edit Technicians documents with expiration control
Category: Accounts
Section: Entries
Menu Item: Jobs List entries_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Jobs
Menu Item: Journal Vouchers journal_vouchers_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Jobs with type = Journal Voucher
Menu Item: New Journal Voucher createNewJob_JV
Showing interface allowing to create New Journal Voucher
Section: Receivables & Payables
Menu Item: Accounts Receivable browse_receivable_accounts
Allows to browse, add or edit Invoices. Invoice could be posted, unposted, reconciled, unreconciled and paid
Menu Item: Accounts Payable browse_payable_accounts
Allows to browse, add or edit Purchase Invoices. Invoice could be posted, unposted, reconciled, unreconciled and paid
Menu Item: Credit notes credit_notes_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Credit Notes. Credit Note(s) could be posted, unposted, reconciled, unreconciled and paid.
Menu Item: Debit notes debit_notes_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Debit Notes. Debit Note(s) could be posted, unposted, reconciled, unreconciled and paid.
Menu Item: Purchase Orders viewPurchaseOrders
Allows to browse, add or edit Purchase Orders
Section: Bank
Menu Item: Bank Accounts browse_account_bank
Allows to browse, add or edit Bank Accounts
Menu Item: Bank Vouchers bank_vouchers_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Bank Receipt/Payment Vouchers
Menu Item: Checks Received viewEditChecks
Allows to browse, add or edit Checks Received
Menu Item: Checks Paid viewEditChecks
Allows to browse, add or edit Checks Paid
Menu Item: New Bank Receipt createNewJob_BR
Showing interface allowing to add Bank Receipt Voucher
Menu Item: New Bank Payment createNewJob_BP
Showing interface allowing to add Bank Payment Voucher
Section: Cash
Menu Item: Cash Accounts browse_account_cash
Allows to browse, add or edit Cash Accounts
Menu Item: Cash Vouchers cash_vouchers_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Cash Receipt/Payment Vouchers
Menu Item: Advance Reports advance_reports_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Advance Reports
Menu Item: New Cash Receipt createNewJob_CR
Showing interface allowing to add Cash Receipt Voucher
Menu Item: New Cash Payment createNewJob_CP
Showing interface allowing to add Cash Payment Voucher
Menu Item: New Advance Report createNewJob_AR
Showing interface allowing to add Advance report
Section: Fixed Assets/Prepaym.
Menu Item: Fixed Assets viewEditFAS
Allows to browse, add or edit Fixed Assets (with control of documents expiration)
Menu Item: Prepayments prepayments_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Prepayments
Menu Item: Locations viewFasLocations
Allows to browse, add or edit Locations (station, warehouse, workshop, etc.)
Category: HR
Section: Human Resources
Menu Item: Employees base employees_brows
Allows to browse, add or edit Employees
Menu Item: Vacations viewEditVacations
Showing the employee vacation statistics (vacation used/left, total vacation used) for specified year
Menu Item: Vacations Calendar viewEditVacations
Show Vacation Calendar Menu Item
Menu Item: DTR browse_dtr
Showing list of In/Out times (integrated with access hardware); possibility to enter/edit data manually
Menu Item: Staff Attendance browse_dtr
Showing statistics of employees attendance for provided data range
Menu Item: Passport Control passport_release_browse
Showing the list of employees passports with date of release, date of requested return (mostly for UAE)
Menu Item: Employees Documents viewEmployeeDocuments
Allows to browse, add or edit Employee Documents with track of expiration
Menu Item: Vacations Planning viewVacationsPlanning
Shows yearly/monthly view of employee vacations and days off with statuses(used/confirmed/requested/rejected)
Menu Item: ESTL Groups view_estl_groups
Allows to browse, add or edit ESTL (employee service time limitation) groups - where you can specify the limit for different type of employees' activities
Menu Item: ESTL Analyses view_estl_analyses
Showing ESTL statistics for selected employee for provided dates range
Menu Item: ESTL Planning view_estl_plan
Menu Item: Shifts view_shifts
Section: Payroll
Menu Item: Empl. Salary browse_salary
Showing the list of Employee Salaries (Salary history)
Menu Item: Crew Pay Rolls browse_crew_payrolls
Allows to browse, add or edit Crew Payrolls. New Additional Crew Payment could be created on this page also.
Menu Item: Ch./C. Requests view_hr_requestrs
Allows to browse, add or edit cash (or check) request from employees.
Menu Item: Salary Vouchers bank_salary_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Bank Salary Vouchers. Salary Voucher could be posted, unposted and reconciled; New Job could be created for specified Vouchers (button "PAY")
Menu Item: Leave Salary leave_salary_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Leave Salary Vouchers. Salary Voucher could be posted, unposted and reconciled; New Job could be created for specified Vouchers (button "PAY")
Menu Item: Bank Payroll Voucher viewBankSalaryVoucher
Allows to browse, add or edit Bank Payroll Vouchers. Payroll Voucher could be posted, unposted and reconciled; New Job could be created for specified Vouchers (button "PAY")
Menu Item: Employee Requests viewHrRequests
Showing the list of requests from Employees; supports tracking of status and electronic signing. Request Types are also accessible from this page
Section: Locator
Menu Item: Locations map viewLocationMap
Category: Warehouse
Section: Catalogs
Menu Item: ATA Chapters viewMROAtaChapters
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit ATA Chapters
Menu Item: Part Numbers viewMROPartNumbers
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Part Numbers
Menu Item: Part Hard Limits viewMROPartHardLimits
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Part Hard Limits
Menu Item: Part Replacement viewMROPartReplacement
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Part Replacement
Menu Item: Warehouse viewMROWarehouse
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Warehouse
Menu Item: Jobs viewMROJobs
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Jobs
Menu Item: IPC viewIPC
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit IPC
Section: Inventory
Menu Item: Inventory Catalog viewInventoryItems
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit Inventory Items
Menu Item: Warehouse items viewInventoryWarehouseItems
Allows to browse, add or edit items in warehouses
Menu Item: Incomming Vouchers viewInventoryRecieveInvoices
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit warehouse arrival vouchers
Menu Item: Outgoing Vouchers viewInventoryExpenceInvoices
(Under Development) Allows to browse, add or edit warehouse outgoing vouchers
Menu Item: Warehouse jobs viewCakeJobs
Allows to browse, add or edit all warehouse transactions (goods received + released)
Menu Item: Manufacture orders viewCakeManufacture
Allows to browse, add or edit orders for creation of new product from warehouse items
Menu Item: Goods recieved viewCakeReceiveJobs
Allows to browse, add or edit Goods received to warehouse
Menu Item: Goods released viewCakeReleasedJobs
Allows to browse, add or edit Goods released from warehouse
Menu Item: Goods Internal Transfer viewCakeTransferJobs
Allows to browse, add or edit Goods Internal Transfer (transfer of goods from one location to another)
Menu Item: Inventory orders viewCakeInventory
Allows to browse, add or edit Inventory (quantity of items on warehouse for provided data)
Section: Inventory Reports
Menu Item: Inventory Report viewCakeDailyJobs
Provide list of product items with quantity on the stock (as well as income and outcome) for each day in specified period. Could be saved as PDF or XLS
Category: Info&Rates
Section: Info
Menu Item: Airports airports_browse
Allows to browse list of airports
Menu Item: Countries countries_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit countries
Menu Item: Distances distances_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit preset distances between airports (with possibility to specify entry points)
Menu Item: GSA distances_browse
Menu Item: Entry points browse_entry_points
Allows to browse, add or edit entry points (5-letter code describing place of crossing the border of country)
Section: Aircraft types
Menu Item: Aircraft Types ac_types_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit types of aircrafts
Menu Item: VIP Aircraft Types ac_types_vip_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit VIP (private jet) aircraft types
Menu Item: Cargo Aircraft Types ac_types_cargo_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Cargo aircraft types
Menu Item: Comm.J Aircraft Types ac_types_pax_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit commercial types of aircrafts
Menu Item: Helicopter Types heli_types_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Helicopter Types
Section: Rates
Menu Item: Currency Rates currency_rates_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit currencies used in the system; For each currency you can specify exchange rate
Menu Item: Fuel Rates fuel_rates_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit fuel rates
Menu Item: Flight Cost Center viewEditFlightRates
Allows to browse, add or edit rates for flight expenses
Menu Item: Flight Sales Center viewEditFlightRates
Allows to browse, add or edit rates for flight expenses
Menu Item: Customer Fuel Rates browse_customer_fuel_rates
Allows to browse, add or edit fuel rates for specified customer
Menu Item: Fixed Expenses viewFixedExpences
Allows to browse, add, edit or delete fixed expenses for provided airports\path and aircraft type
Category: Reports
Section: Operational reports
Menu Item: Flight statistics flight_statistics
Showing statistical graphs for flights (daily quantity, directions/locations, split by aircrafts, split by customers)
Menu Item: AWB statistics awb_statistics
Showing statistical graphs for AWBs (daily quantity, directions/locations, split by customers)
Menu Item: Expenses Report viewExpencesReportPage
Menu Item: AWB group statistics viewAWbGroupStatistics
Showing AWB statistics grouped by customer categories
Menu Item: Service Expenses Report viewExpencesReportPageServices
Menu Item: Cargo Expenses Report viewExpencesReportPageCargo
Menu Item: Flight Expenses Report viewExpencesReportPageFlights
Section: Accounting Reports
Menu Item: Contr. Statements viewContractorStatements
Showing Contractor statement (start, end, pending and lost balances), showing the list of Jobs(transactions) for specified Contractor. Could be done for specific date or date range. Could be saved as XLS. New Job could be created by button "PAY"
Menu Item: Accounting Reports viewAccountsReports
Showing following accounting reports: General/Trial Leger, General/Trial Balance (screen, XLS, PDF); Profit and Loss (with details option; screen, XLS, PDF)Profit and Loss/Account Types (graphs/text/XLS; possible to make by Locations, FASes and Departments); Banks balance; Fixed Assets Revenue/Expenses. Open Accounting Analytics Application
Menu Item: Accounts statistics viewAccountsStatistics
Provides account statistics for specified dates (split by 5 categories: Asset, Liability, Revenue, Expenses, Indirect expenses) in table view, Bar chart view and Pie chart view. Report could be exported into XLS. Also have access to Profit and Loss/General Leger reports (graph/graph with details/XLS; possible to make by Locations, Fases and Departments)
Menu Item: Employee Statements viewEmployeStatements
Showing employee statement (start, end, pending and lost balances), showing the list of Jobs(transactions) for specified Employee and date ranges. Could be saved as XLS. New Job could be created by button "PAY"
Menu Item: Crew Statements viewCrewStatements
Showing Crew statement (start, end, pending and lost balances), showing the list of Jobs(transactions) for specified Crew member. Could be done for specified date or dates range. Could be saved as XLS. New Job could be created by button "PAY"
Menu Item: Management Reports viewManagementReports
Analytics Graph reports: Profit and Lost Accounts, General Leger Accounts, General Leger Accounts with details; Profit and Loss Accounts with details. Accounting reports: General Leger (TXT, XLS), Trial Balance (TXT, XLS), Balance Sheet; Bank Balance; Fixed Assets Revenue/Expenses. Available option of exporting to CSV all transactions for specified period. Includes Flights database with advanced filters. Statistics by Accounts/Partners is available
Menu Item: Customer Statements viewCustomerStatements
Showing Statement (start, end, pending and lost balances), showing the list of Jobs(transactions) for specified Customer. Could be done for specific date or date range. Could be saved as XLS. New Job could be created by button "PAY"
Menu Item: Suppliers Statements viewSuppliersStatements
Showing Statement (start, end, pending and lost balances), showing the list of Jobs(transactions) for specified Supplier. Could be done for specific date or date range. Could be saved as XLS. New Job could be created by button "PAY"
Section: Compliance
Menu Item: Audits Schedule view_audits_calendar
Showing the list of assigned audits (monthly view for selected year)
Menu Item: Audits view_audits
Allows to browse, add or edit audits, and enter Findings
Menu Item: Findings view_findings
Showing the list of entered audit findings
Menu Item: My Findings view_findings_my
Showing the list of entered audit findings where user is specified as auditor
Menu Item: Audit Infos view_audit_info
Allows to enter or edit audit types, Audit Categories, Audit Qualifications
Category: Settings
Section: Users Management
Menu Item: User Groups user_rights_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit groups of permissions
Menu Item: User Managment user_managment_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit users, add them group of permissions, assign offices and teams, associate Customers, set email for MailTool
Menu Item: External Users viewExternalUsers
Allows to browse, add or edit external users (external users don't have direct access into Awery, but can enter information through external interface; for example through web site)
Menu Item: Crew Logins viewCrewLogins
Allows to browse, add or edit users for Crew Portal
Menu Item: Users Activity view_user_activity
Showing report on using of Awery by users (split by user by day)
Section: Setup
Menu Item: Cargo Types browse_cargo_types
Allows to browse, add or edit types of cargo/shipment/package/dangerous
Menu Item: Departments departments_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Departments (with support of multilevel structure)
Menu Item: Prepayments Types prepayments_types_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit 2-level Fixed Asset Types
Menu Item: Companies vewEditCompanies
Allows to browse, add or edit Offices of the Company
Menu Item: Charter/Rev. Types viewRevenueTypes
Allows to browse, add or edit Categories/Types used in system: Charter, Price, Fixture, Source Types; Contractor types, services and categories; Delay Codes; Greetings; Company size types; Commodity types; Commodity descriptions; Flight waypoint purposes; Customer priorities and service equipment types; Report flight charges types; Flight expense types; Flight types/Categories; Supplier types; Salary types; Crew Sector types
Menu Item: Company banks vewEditCompanyBanks
Allows to browse, add or edit Company banks
Section: Accounting Setup
Menu Item: Chart of Accounts accounts_browse
Allows to browse, add or edit Chart of Accounts
Menu Item: Closing of Accounts closing_accounts_browse
Allows to browse, add, edit or delete Closing of Accounts records
Menu Item: Kinds of Transactions kinds_payment_receipt
Allows to browse, add or edit Kinds of Transactions (preset defining DR/AC accounts for transaction)
Menu Item: Close periods viewClosePeriods
Showing the list of closed periods. Allows to run 'close period' procedure
Section: Travelling
Menu Item: Tours list viewToursList
Allows to browse, add or edit Tours List
Menu Item: Sales viewTourSales
Allows to browse, add or edit Tours Sales
Menu Item: Buses viewTourBases
Allows to browse, add or edit Tour Buses
Menu Item: Actions viewTravelActions
Allows to browse, add or edit Actions
Menu Item: AirTickets viewAirtickets
Allows to browse, add or edit AirTickets
Section: Help and About
Menu Item: About Product about_product_browse
Opens Awery site
Menu Item: Help help_browse
Opens Help section of Awery
Menu Item: Report a Bug report_a_bug_browse
Allows to send bug report to support team
Menu Item: Apps view_apps
Opens interface with extra applications (Analytics, Configurator and Mailer(under development))