Manifest import
Home Page→ Shipments Database→ Manifest Import button
To import manifest please click on Manifest Import on the Shipments database page.
You will see a new window opened
The system accepts Manifests if ICAO ANNEX 9 Append format
After import, the system will create a flight accordingly to the flight information from the manifest (if the flight already exist in the system, another one will not be created to avoid duplications)
Then, the system will create all AWBs from the manifest and assign them to the flight.
Drag and drop or browse the file. Wait for Prepared data load
Add Company - your office
AWB Customer - the customer that will be assigned to all imported AWBs
Flight Category - a category of the flight in Manifest ( usually Cargo flight)
Operator - operator of the flight
AC type - aircraft type in the flight
Go to "To be imported" tab
After click "Import" - all selected AWBs will be imported
Please, recheck manually highlighted AWBs after import - there could be some mistakes during PDF parsing.
Wait for import.
The system will give a notification for successful AWB import and not successful.