Shipments Database
Home Page→ Cargo→ Shipments→ Shipments Database
This interface helps you to look through the information about AWB during the selected period.
Also, you have an opportunity to create/edit/delete the AWB directly from the interface.
With the help of the filters it is possible to find the necessary entry quicker or to select those entries that meet your requirements.
For example, you can display only dangerous AWB or the entries that were invoiced or AWBs that were deleted etc.
You have an opportunity to create a job and to link the AWB to flight.
The additional buttons make it possible to change the AWBs status, team, office etc., import pieces and other AWBs, make changes with CASS directly from the interface.
The reports help to export the information in a more convenient view to conduct the necessary analysis.
List description:
- Master AWB No. – the AWB with a number assigned by the airline itself
- Awb No – the number of the transport document accompanying air cargo
- Status – the AWB’s condition
- Request
- Standby
- Forward
- Waiting
- Off-loaded
- Not-complete
- Planned
- UnPlanned
- Pod
- Departure
- Arrival
- Transit
- Missing
- Canceled
- Customer – the name of customer that was selected in the AWB
- Company – the name of office
- Brokers – the name of agent, who conducts the service
- WT – the weight of cargo
- CH WT – the calculated chargeable weight
- VOL – the volume of cargo
- VOL WT – the volume weight of cargo
- DIM – the dimensions of cargo
- F – the icon of the truck-loading is shown in case of the freight collect shipment
- P – the icon of truck-container is shown in case of the proof of delivery mark
- ORIG – the iata code of the origin
- DEST – the iata code of the destination
- PCS – the amount of pieces
- Cargo Description – the space for additional information about cargo
- Notes – the space with handling details
- Acc. notes – the space with accounting notes
- Revenue – the amount of revenue
- Arrival Date – the arrival date of AWB to destination
- Currency – the value of the AWB
- W – the map marker is shown in case of the selected warehouse
- WH – the name of the warehouse
- C – the blue tick is shown in case of the CASS shipment/exported to CASS
- Profit – the amount of profit
- i – the green icon of coins is shown in case of the invoiced AWB and green tick in case of the revenue ready
- M – the IPM dangerous codes are shown
- V – the green tick is shown in case of the AWB VAT indicator
- Z – the blue clip is shown in case of attachments
- Courier – the name of person who makes delivery
- Departure Date – the departure date of AWB from origin
- Next Flight – the next departure date
- Pick Up Date – the expected at warehouse date provided by the customer
- – the icon of box is shown on the left side of the line for assign pieces to flight
in case of the pieces dimensions - – the icon is shown in case of the Linked AWB Request/Quote
- - the icon of aircraft is shown in case the AWB is linked to flight
- - the icon of attachments. Click to open the form
How to calculate AWB by Statuses
- In the Statuses selector you can select the necessary statuses to see the relevant AWBs in the interface
- In case you need to calculate the amount of each status according to the selected period, click the Calculate AWB by Statuses button
- The number of entries with each status will be displayed next to it
How to put AWB to flight or remove it
- Select the necessary AWB
- Click the Put selected on flight button
- Select the appropriate flight
- Confirm the action, clicking the button
- To remove the AWB from the flight, click the button
- In case you need to view the flight, click the button
- In case the action was successful, the icon of plane will be shown on the left side
- Pay attention that you have no opportunity to put the AWB with request status to the flight
How to create invoice
- In case you need to create invoice:
- Tick the necessary invoice ready AWB
- Select the invoice creation button:
- Create an entry for selected
- The sidebar will appear. Fill in the necessary fields and click the Create Invoice button
- In case customers are not the same or the entry has already been invoiced or the companies are not the same, the error message will be shown
- Create a separate entry for selected
- The sidebar will appear. Fill in the necessary fields and click the Create Invoice button.
- In case the entry has already been invoiced or the companies are not the same, the error message will be shown
- Create list job by a customer
- The sidebar will appear. Fill in the necessary fields and click the Create Invoice button
- In case the entry has already been invoiced or the companies are not the same, the error message will be shown
- In case the creation was successful, the icon of coins will appear on the left side of the line.
Click on it to open the sidebar with information about job - button for job opening and button for Job report opening
How to change AWB quicker
- There is an opportunity to change some information in AWB directly from the interface
- Select the necessary AWB
- Click the button
- The sidebar will be appeared
- Fill in the necessary field and click the Apply Button
Pay attention that you can’t change the AWBs office in case it has a linked job. The error message will be shown
How to open pieces dimensions
- Click the button to open the sidebar
- In the sidebar you can find the full information about pieces dimensions
- You have an opportunity to put the selected pieces on flight. Tick the necessary entry and click the Put selected on flight button
Additional information
- WH – tick the checkbox to sort the list according to the presence of the Warehouse
- The Quick Search is available by such columns:
Master AWN No, AWB no, Status, Customer, Company, Brokers, WT, CH WT, VOL, VOL WT, DIM, ORIG, DEST, PCS, Cargo Description, Notes, Acc notes, Revenue, Currency, Courier.
- - click to confirm pricing
- - click to set the invoice not required
- - press button for update revenue/expenses rates
- - click to change the full list of statuses according to the AWBs statuses in the interface.
- - click to create the tracking message. Create the text and click the Add message button (you can find it in the Tracking tab)
- - click to unload all flights from AWB
- - click to make CASS exported
- - click to make CASS unexported
- - click to open AWB in New Wizard
- - click to import AWB
- - click to import AWB pieces
- - click to import Manifest
- - click to open the Cargo Planning Tool page
- - click to make export
Sorting and filtering
- Click the Filters button and fill in the necessary fields to make the filtration
- You have an opportunity to make the filtration by:
- Company, Agent, Supplier, Stock Company, Commodity, Handling Agent, Type and Courier selectors
- HAWB No., Shipper Ref.No, Pal.No.,Delivery, Brokers (Codes), MAWB No., Job ID, AWB ID, Project input fields
- Sorting with the help of checkboxes
- Dangerous - tick to sort the list of AWBs according to the dangerous of the cargo
- POD - tick to sort the list of AWBs according to the condition of the delivery mark. The icon of truck-container will be shown in the P column
- With invoices - tick to filter AWBs with invoice created (connected). The icon of coins is shown on the left side of the line
- Deleted - tick to see the list of deleted AWBs
- Rev. Ready - tick to filter AWBs ready to be invoices. The tick is shown in the i column
- Invoice not required - tick to filter AWBs which do not require the invoice
- Checked – tick to sort the list of AWBs to see the entries which were checked
- Non Checked – tick to sort the list of AWBs to see the entries which weren’t checked
- CASS ex. – tick to filter AWBs CASS that need to be exported
- CASS un. – tick to filter AWBs CASS that don’t need to be exported
- CASS a. – tick to filter AWBs that need to CASS
- CASS na. – tick to filter AWBs that don’t need to CASS
- Secured – click to sort the list according to the presence of tick in the Secured checkbox on the Details tab
- UnSecured – click to see the list of AWBs without tick in the Secured checkbox
- Freight Collect – click to sort the list of AWBs according to the presence of tick in the Freight collect checkbox on the Details tab
- Non Freight Collect – click to see the list of AWBs without tick in the Freight collect checkbox on the Details tab
- No Prepay. – tick to see the prepaid customers, which have not prepaid AWBs yet
- Perishable – tick to see the AWBs with perishable cargo
- AVI – tick to see the AWBs with live animals cargo
- Freight Collect Collected – click to sort the list of AWBs according to the presence of tick in the Freight collected checkbox on the Details tab
- Confirmation sent - click to sort the list of AWBs according to the presence of tick in the Confirmation send checkbox on the Details tab
- Not Stackable – tick to sort the list of AWBs according to the stackable of the cargo (tick on the Pieces Details tab).
- No Attachments – tick to see the AWBs without attachments
- No Invoice – tick to filter AWBs with no invoice created (connected)