or in the top menu in drop-down window Services click on Fuel Tickets
It will open the window with a list of Fuel Tickets, buttons tools and search tools:
- refresh button
- create new entry
- delete entry Also in top control bar you’ll find such a window you can choose how many entries will be displayed on the page, in the form choose a page number,
in the box shows how many pages of all, you can also use the arrow keys to navigate
<<- return to home page
<- return to previous page
>>- go to last page
>- go to next page
search tools:
-search by date (From/To)
-search by Ticket No
- search by registration number
-search by aircraft type
-search by company
- search by airport
- search button
-clear search button
To create new Fuel Ticket press button, it will open a window, with following buttons and fields:
-add Fuel Ticket
- delete
-save as new/clone Fuel Ticket
-refresh button
-choose company
- type F/T number
- choose F/T date
-choose airport
-choose terminal
-choose fuel vendor
-choose aircraft type
-choose registration number
-put fuel quantity in any unit measurement, system will convert to other measurement automatically
- will be putted automatically
- choose unit measurement
-you can put notes to this field
After filling all needed forms press button to save entry, if you want to make changes and save them press button.
After you create Fuel ticket, you can connect it to already created Flight or to the already created Service, you can do it with the help of following buttons which appear in the window:
-connect Fuel Ticket to Flight
-connect Fuel Ticket to Service
Connect to Flight When you press connect to flight , it will open a list with existing flights
choose needed flight from the list and press twice on it, it will open notification window
-choose Yes, to connect it to a flight, new buttons will appear in the table
-open connected flight button
-unlink connected flight
In the Fuel ticket table tickets connected to flights will be marked with such icon
Connect to Service When you press connect to service , it will open a list with existing services
choose needed service from the list and press twice on it, it will open notification window
- -choose Yes, to connect it to a service, new buttons will appear in the table
- confirm connection by pressing this button, Open Service and Unlink Service buttons will appear
-open connected service button
- unlink connected service
In the Fuel ticket table, tickets connected to Services will be marked with such icon
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