Flights List page - Flights Database
Extended Search
allocationSearch | setNotifyExpenceFlags | setNotifyRevenueFlags | setUncloseExpenceFlags | setUncloseRevenueFlags |
viewEmptylegColumn | viewFlightCompany | viewFlightProject | viewFlightTeam | viewRevenueCustomerCategories |
Filters and Controls
canEditExpenseTypes | canEditRevenueTypes | del_flight |
disableViewBefore2days | disableViewBefore7days | hideOldNewFlightWizard |
viewDayOfWeeks | viewFBtime | viewFlightReport |
viewNewFlightWizard | viewReportTime |
Flight List
Flight List (Report view)
Flight List (Time view)
In "Extended Search" popup window show ticks allowing to search flights based on expense or revenue status: "Exp allocated" - expense allocated, "Exp not allocated" - expense is not allocated, "Not conf" - revenue is not confirmed, "Ready" - revenue is ready to be invoiced , "INV" - revenue is invoiced
Show "Exp. Types" button which allow to edit Flight Expenses types
Show "Rev. Types" button which allow to edit Flight revenue types
Show "X" button, allowing to delete selected flight. Only flights with status request or planned could be deleted.
1. Hides "Flight ID" and "Customers" columns in Flight List.
2. Show column "Report No." column in Flight List (Report view), only if: 1. showSectorReportNo permission is not set; 2. viewReportTime permission is set
Makes unable user to see flights earlier than 2 days before current date. Disable Months and Year selector in the Filters section. Every time user set date which is earlier than 2 days before current date error notification window appears.
Makes unable user to see flights earlier than 7 days before current date. Disable Months and Year selector in the Filters section. Every time user set date which is earlier than 7 days before current date error notification window appears.
Hide "CPT" column in Flight List, which contains name of captain
Hides old Flight Creation Wizard
Hides "Reg. No." column in Flight List
Hides VIA item payloаd percents in Flight List (Time view).
1. Show Office selector in "expense Report" section
2. Show reports: "Revenue Report", "Revenue Report XLS"
"Expenses Report" section should be activated (viewReportAircraft permission is on)
Replace flight status with value from special field in Flight List (Time view). (Done for one customer)
1. In "Extended Search" popup window show buttons changing expense status for selected flights (respective flight(s) should have a tick in Flight List). Buttons action: "v" - set expense status as "Notified", "red shield with minus" - clear "Notified" status, "green shield with plus" - set status "Closed". "red shield with minus" button (clearing "Notified" status) is available only is setUncloseexpenseFlags permission is on
2. Show "EXP" column in Flight List - contains flight expense status.
1. In "Extended Search" popup window show buttons changing revenue status for selected flights (respective flight(s) should have a tick in Flight List). Buttons action: "v" - set revenue status as "Notified", "red shield with minus" - clear "Notified" status, "green shield with plus" - set status "Closed". "red shield with minus" button (clearing "Notified" status) is available only is setUncloseRevenueFlags permission is on
2. Show "REV" column in Flight List - contains flight revenue status
In "Extended Search" popup window show button "red shield with minus", allowing to clear "Notified" expense status
In "Extended Search" popup window show button "red shield with minus", allowing to clear "Notified" revenue status
Show "Crew" column in Flight List. If flight has crew assigned, crew shown here in format: <3-letter crew code>- (<3-letter crew position>), for example AAA-(CPT). If there is no crew assigned - "assign crew" button placed in a cell.
Show by default only flights with total flight AWB's weight >0. Is equal to tick "Cargo" in "Extended search" popup window.
1. If set show report numbers of each sector, separated by flash in column "Report No." Otherwise show only number flight report. viewReportNo permission should be set on to make column "Report No." visible
2. Hides "Report No." column in Flight List (Report view)
Show waypoint date instead of actual time (if actual time is not set) in Flight List (Time view), which show flights with timing details
Report "Flight time of Pilots Totals" in "Pilot Report" section will show only attendants. viewPilotTimes permission should not be set
Show "WD" button in filters section, allowing to filter flights by selected day of week
1. In "Extended Search" popup window show tick "With emptylegs" (allowing to find flights with empty leg status)
2. Show "Emptyleg" column in Flight List (Report view)
1. Show column "Fly T" column in Flight List.
2. Show flight hours (FH: XX XX). Time could be in hours:minutes format or decimal hours (2.50 means 2 and half hours = 2 hours 30 minutes). Decimal hours is used if viewReportTime permission is set.
3. In Flight tab of Aircraft interface and Pilot interface, show one more "Fly T" column with time in decimal hours (13.50 means 13 hours 30 minutes)
Show "Brokers" column in Flight List. Contains broker codes
1. Show Office selector in "Extended Search" popup window
2. Show "Office" column in Flight List
Show column "F.Type" in Flight List, containing flight type. Available in Flight List (Report view)
Show "Operator" column in Flight List.
1. In "Extended Search" popup window show field "Project" (allowing to find flights with particular project specified)
2. Show "Project" column in Flight List (Report view)
Show button allowing to see Flight Report for Selected Flight
1. In "Extended Search" popup window show Team selector
2. Show "Team" column in Flight List. Column show team color, tooltip show team name and office. Team could be added/edited in "User Management"->"Advanced Options" button.
Show flight ID instead of flight number in column "Flight ID" of Flight List. disableCustomers permission should not be set, as it hides "Flight ID" column
Show 3 columns in Flight List: "I" - Show status of Invoice (Ready/Invoiced); "AWB" - Show Number of Invoiced/Total AWBs on the flight (if broker is assigned, name is shown in tooltip); "A" - Allocated Expenses Mark
Report "Flight time of Pilots Totals" in "Pilot Report" section will show only engineers. Both viewPilotTimes permission and viewAttendanceTimes permission should not be set
Show button "+ New" which call "Bew Flight Wizard" interface
Report "Flight time of Pilots Totals" in "Pilot Report" section will show only pilots
1. Show "Aircraft Report" section of reports (reports: "Flight Time", "Flight Time Totals", "Flight Time XLS"; if viewReportTime permission is set: "Flight Time Detailed", "Flight Time Detailed XLS", "Flight Time Detailed LBS", "Flight Time Detailed LBS XLS", "Flight Time Planned", "Flight Time Planned PDF", "Flight Time Planned XLS", "Average sector timing")
2. Show "Expenses Report" section of reports (reports: "Expenses report (ACMI)", "Revenue and Cost. All", "Flights Summary", "Flights by Aircraft", "Flights Payload Summary", "Flights Summary by Expenses", "Flights Summary by Revenue", "Flights Revenue by Customers", "Flights Revenue by Company","Revenue and Cost. Selected"; if printAppForm permission is set: "Revenue Report", "Revenue Report XLS"; if viewReportFixtures permission is set: "Fixtures"; if viewReportByBroker permission is set: "Report by broker"). viewReportAircraftFinance permission should be set on
Show "Expenses Report" section of reports (reports: "Expenses report (ACMI)", "Revenue and Cost. All", "Flights Summary", "Flights by Aircraft", "Flights Payload Summary", "Flights Summary by Expenses", "Flights Summary by Revenue", "Flights Revenue by Customers", "Flights Revenue by Company","Revenue and Cost. Selected"; if printAppForm permission is set: "Revenue Report", "Revenue Report XLS"; if viewReportFixtures permission is set: "Fixtures"; if viewReportByBroker permission is set: "Report by broker").
viewReportAircraft permission should be set on.
Show "Report by broker" report in "Expenses Reports" section of "Reports"
Old permission, is not in use anymore. "Expense Report" section is activated by viewReportAircraft permission
Show "Fixtures" report in "Expenses Reports" section of "Reports"
Show "Report No" column in Flight List