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Employees page

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The elements of the interior interface:

1.The Main tab

Main information block

  • The First name, Middle Name, Surname input fields

Block with logo

  • Buttons for Upload, Download and Delete logo

The Other Information block

The block elements:

  • The Place of Birth Name, Country of Birth, Religion, Grade, First Year VAC, Next Year VAC, HR ID, Zone ID, DTR ID, Father Name, Mother Name, National ID, Notes, CODE input fields
  • The Nationality, Gender, Type, Office, Visa Office, Station/Location, Contracted By, Loan Account, ESTL, Supervisor, Currency selectors
  • The Birthday, Joined Date, Resigned Date calendar
  • The Marital Status (Single/Married), Working Status (Working, Vacation, Retired, Fired, Probation, Resigned, Terminated) radio buttons
  • The Archive checkbox  
  • The Recalculate Shifts button – recalculate shifts duty time limitations for all period 

Pay attention that the Resigned Date field will be blocked in all working statuses, except the Resigned one

How to add information to the HR ID field

You have an opportunity to add the HR ID:

  • manually
  • automatically, clicking the Generate customer code number button

2. The Contacts tab

  • Click the + button in case you need to create contact. The sidebar will be displayed

The elements of the sidebar:

  • The Contact Data tab (elements):
    • The Contact first name, Contact middle name, Contact surname, Prefix, Suffix, Description, Mailing category input fields
    • The Airport, Country selectors
    • The Default, Default for country, Default for airport, Decision maker, Default for ops, Opt out, Airport contact checkboxes
    • Block with information about tel, fax, address etc

Fill in the necessary fields and click the SAVE button. Pay attention that the Contact first name field is required

  • The Additional Fields tab
  • The Compliance, SLX ID, Status, Contact known as, Known as input field
  • The Broker and Teams selectors. 

Pay attention that you have an opportunity to add one or more team, clicking the Add button


  • The Airports tab
    • The Airport selector

Pay attention that you have an opportunity to add one or more airports, clicking the Add button 


  • The Access types tab
    • The Access type selector

Pay attention that you have an opportunity to add one or more access types, clicking the Add button



Additional options

You have an opportunity to add new item(s) to selected contact quicker:

  • Click the New item button


  • Fill in the Type and Data fields and click the Save button

In case you need to add more items, click the + Add button and the new form will be displayed

  • Click the
    button in case you need to make changes in the contact
  • Click the
    button in case you need to delete the contact
  • Click the button in case you need to add the same contact for another customer
  • Select the necessary customer and click the Apply button

3. The Documents tab

  • The elements of the interface:
  • The Name, No, Additional No, Issued By, Notes input fields
  • The Type, Issued country selectors
  • The Issue date, Expire date calendar
  • The Expired, N/A checkboxes

List description:

  • Name – the name of the document
  • Type – the type of the document
  • No – the number of the document
  • Type name – the name of the type
  • Expires – the document expiration date
  • Issued By – the issuing authority
  • Issued Country – the country that issued the document
  • Issued – the date of the document’s issue
  • Additional No – information about additional number
  • Valid – the validation of the document
  • The tick
    is shown in case the document is valid
  • The cross is
    shown in case the document is expired
  • Left - the number of days between the current and expired date
  • The N/A is shown in case the document is not active
  • The violet background is shown in case of more than 1 day difference
  • The red background is shown if up to 7 days are left before the end date
  • The orange background is shown if up to 30 days are left before the end date
  • The yellow background is shown if up to 60 days are left before the end date
  • The strong yellow background is shown if up to 90 days are left before the end date
  • Files – the clip
    is shown in case of attachments

4. The Allowance tab

  • The element of the tab:
  • The Type selectors
  • The Name, Value, Note input fields
  • The Renewal calendars
  • List descriptions:
  • Type – the kind of the allowance
  • Name – the name of the allowance
  • Value – the amount of the allowance
  • Renewal – the date of extension
  • Notes – the space with additional information
  • Left - the number of days between the current and renewal date
  • The violet background is shown in case of more than 1 day difference
  • The red background is shown if up to 7 days are left before the end date
  • The orange background is shown if up to 30 days are left before the end date
  • The yellow background is shown if up to 60 days are left before the end date
  • The strong yellow background is shown if up to 90 days are left before the end date

5. The Vacation tab

  • The element of the tab:
  • The Type, Status selectors
  • The Reference No, Note input fields
  • The From date, To date, Request Date calendars
  • The -½ day, Working days only checkboxes
  • List descriptions:
  • Type – the name of the type
  • Status – the condition of vacation
  • Reference No – the vacation’s reference number
  • Days – the difference between to and from date
  • Request Date – the vacation date of request
  • From – the vacation’s start date
  • Till – the vacation’s end date
  • Notes – the space with additional information
  • LSDays – the quantity of the leave salary 
  • Amount – the salary amount
  • Ticket – the tickets amount
  • F – the icon of clip
    is shown in case of attachments
    - the button is shown in case of the: 
  • used, 
  • at work, 
  • confirmed, 
  • sick leave, 
  • half paid, 
  • work on vacation, 
  • sick leave, 
  • business trip, 
  • maternity,
  • emergency statuses

the button is hidden in case of the:

      • requested,
      • sick leave not paid,
      • training,
      • planned,
      • days-off,
      • rejected,
      • not-paid statuses
How to create accrual
  • Click the Create accrual button

  • Fill in the necessary fields and click the Apply button

  • The new entry with the accrual status will be added to the list

How to create balance
  • Click the Create balance button
  • Fill in the necessary fields and click the Apply button

  • The new entry with the used status will be added to the list. Pay attention that the details will be displayed in the Note field

How to create leave salary
  • Click the Create Leave Salary button
  • Fill in the necessary fields and click the Apply button
  • Pay attention that in the Salary Amount field will be shown the nearest salary which was created on the Position&Salary tab.

The logic of the calculation of the Salary Amount value for LS creation sidebar: the value of the total salary divided by value from first_year_vacation global and multiplied by days from LS creation sidebar.
For example, the total salary is 1500, first_year_vacation global value 22, days 20.
Salary Amount will be (1500/22) * 20 = 1,363.64

  • The system restricts the creation of the LS in case the paid days more than the number of days worked by an employee.
    The quantity of work days is calculated as SUM of the first-year vacation and next year vacation divided by the number of months worked by the employee minus 12 and divided by 12.
    Formula: (first year vacation + next year vacation) * (months - 12) / 12)
  • Fields with additional information

NB: Pay attention that the error message will be shown in case a new entry is created during the period of an existing vacation

6. The Audit Qualifications tab

The element of the tab:

  • Qualifications selector

List Description:

  • Qualification – the name of the qualification
How to add new entry
  • Select the necessary option in the Qualifications selector
  • Click the Add button

7. The Position and Salary tab

How to create position
  • Click the New button
    , fill in all necessary fields
  • Click the Add button

Pay attention that the Position field is required

  • After the entry was created, new fields would be displayed in the interface. Pay attention that the Type and the Amount fields are required. Fill them and click the Update button

List description:
  • Position – the name of the position
  • Department – the name of the department
  • From – the start date
  • To see the salary statement report, click the Payslip button and the pdf file will be opened

8. The Bank Accounts tab

  • The list with all bank accounts is shown on this tab

9. The Statements tab

  • The list with statements is shown on this tab in case the employee is linked to it

10. The Jobs tab

  • The list with jobs is shown on this tab in case the employee is linked to it

11. The DTR tab

  • The list with employee’s activity is shown on this tab

12. The Passport Control tab

  • The passport information is shown on this tab in case the employee is linked to it

13. The Leave salary tab

  • The information with employee’s leave salary is shown


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