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Customers import

The Customers Import feature allows you to efficiently upload customer data in bulk. This is done by using a template that structures both customer and contact information.

Steps to Import Customers:

  1. Upload File:

    • Start by clicking the Import Customers button.

    • Upload a file with the specified format provided by the system.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Import File Preparation:

    • The system provides a customer import template. Ensure that your file matches this template.

    • The first part of the template contains customer information (such as company name, credit days, country, etc.).

    • The second part includes contact information. If you have more than one contact for the customer, repeat the customer's information for each contact.

Note: Duplicate customers and contacts will be automatically skipped during the import.

  1. To Be Imported Tab:

    • After uploading the file, navigate to the To Be Imported tab.

    • Select the customers to be imported by ticking the checkbox at the top to select all entries.

A close-up of a computer screen  Description automatically generated
  1. Confirm Import:

    • Once selected, proceed to import the customers into the system.

Customer Import Template:

  • Customer Information:

    • Contains fields like company name, address, credit terms, and other relevant details.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  • Contact Information:

    • Includes fields for the customer's contacts, such as email, phone numbers, and more. For multiple contacts, repeat the customer details for each contact line.

Duplicate Handling:

  • The system will automatically skip duplicate entries for both customers and contacts during the import process.

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
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