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Awery ERP Desktop Application installer tutorial

Awery Software allows you to install a desktop version on your personal computer or laptop to make its usage more comfortable and easier.

The desktop application is preloaded with user interface files and will work faster on most of the cases

Links for Installers:

  1. WIN (x64 version required): 
  2. MAC:


  • How to install the Awery ERP Desktop Application

Go to one of the two links which accord to your PC and download the application.
Then find out and click on AweryERPInstaller app on your PC to launch the application file and start the installation process

You will see the Installing window. Just wait while installing will end

After the installation is complete, the application will open and update the version

After all the updates you can add the company to the app

  • How to add the company to the Awery ERP Desktop Application

To add the company press to the Add New button

Then you will see a form to fill in the company data

In this case, kindly please add the following information:

  • Company - add your personal name ERP name (e.g. Awery ERP);
  • Link - add a link to your ERP system (e.g.;
  • Login - input your login used to get access to the system;
  • Password - input your password used to get access to the system

To add the company and login press on the Add and Login button

In case you have multiple systems to work with, you can easily add them to the installed app.

Press to the Switch ERP System and repeat the above steps. In the future, you will be able to choose the needed one from the list on the main page

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