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Warehouse cargo

Homepage → Cargo → Cargo Warehouse → Warehouse Cargo

This interface allows the user to look through the information about the cargo that was delivered to the warehouse and its details (the dimensions, volume weight, the type and the name of the commodity, the date of departure and the pick-up date). Also user has an opportunity to see what kind of cargo was shipped from the warehouse and other information about it

Main interface

BLUE zone - area of the main functional

GREEN zone - area of the secondary functional

RED zone - area for the information preview

Description of the area of the main functional:

  1. Warehouse filter (see Locations/Stations)
  2. AWB No. field allows to filter by AWB number (see Shipments Database
  3. Datepickers allow to set the needed period up
  4. Customer field allows to filter by customer name
  5. Status field allows to filter by the AWB status 
  6. Also on the panel are placed elements for the several quantitative indicators - pieces, weight, chargeable weight, volum. Values are counted when selected at least one row in the area for the information preview
  7. Warehouse/History switcher allows to filter by cargos' allocation and release dates. Warehouse (currently allocated) ABWs shows only cargos allocated in selected period, History (Released) AWBs shows cargos released in selected period

Description of the area of the secondary functional:

  1.  Refresh data
  2.  Additional filters by Bay (arbitrary identifier which available for the setupping in AWB), Orig (the iata code of the origin) and Dest (the iata code of the destination)
  3.  Export data with Reports. Reports allow to export data to html, pdf and xls formats with parameters adjusted on the main and secondary functional panels
  4.  Clear applied filters
  5.  Put selected on flight
    (it's necessary to checkbox the row) allows to link AWB with the Flight (see Flights Cargo). This function is available in Shipments Database also
  6.  Release/Receive 
    (it's necessary to checkbox the row) allows to quick release the cargo. After applying it the released cargo will be available for preview when History switcher is turned on

Description of the area for the information preview:

  1. AWB No. – the unique number of AWB
  2. Customer – the name of the customer
  3. Status – the AWB’s current condition
  4. ORIG – the iata code of the origin 
  5. DEST - the iata code of the destination
  6. PCS – the amount of the pieces
  7. WT – the weight of the cargo
  8. CH WT – the calculated chargeable weight
  9. VOL – the volume of the cargo
  10. VOL WT – the volume weight of cargo
  11. DIM – the dimensions of cargo
  12. Commodity – the name of the goods
  13. Notes – the space for some additional information
  14. Ready Date – the date of departure
  15. Creation Date – the pick-up date
  16. DLVR – the name of the cargo’s final delivery point
  17. W – this icon 
    is shown in case when the AWB has a warehouse (not the pieces of AWB)
  18. P – contains a block of icons. Clicking on this icon 
      will summon the extended information about the pieces. Icon 
     allows to quick release the cargo

Description of the secondary information preview:

With the click on the icon 

 will be summoned to a secondary block with information about the pieces of the current AWB. Interface allows (it's necessary to checkbox the row) to link pieces with the Flight (see Flights Cargo).

  1. Confirmed – status of the dimensions confirmation (see Confirmed Dimensions|Confirm DIMS in the Pieces Details tab in the
  2. Status – the condition of the cargo pieces (see Status in the Pieces Details tab in the
  3. Part No. – the number of the shipment (see P.No. in the Pieces Details tab in the
  4. Pcs – the amount of pieces (see Pcs in the Pieces Details tab in the
  5. L – the cargo’s length (see L in the Pieces Details tab in the
  6. W – the cargo’s width (see W in the Pieces Details tab in the
  7. H - the cargo’s height (see H in the Pieces Details tab in the
  8. PCS WT – the weight of one piece (see PCS WT in the Pieces Details tab in the
  9. TOT WT – the weight of all pieces (see TOT WT in the Pieces Details tab in the
  10. Vol. Weight – the volume weight (see Vol. Weight in the Pieces Details tab in the
  11. Volume – the volume of the pieces (see Volume in the Pieces Details tab in the
  12. Barcode – the code with lines (see Location in the Pieces Details tab in the
  13. Pallete – the Pallet No (see Palet ID in the Pieces Details tab in the
  14. DR – status of the cargo's dangerous (see DG in the Pieces Details tab in the
  15. PRB - status of the cargo's perishable (see PRB in the Pieces Details tab in the
  16. NST – status of the cargo's non-stackable (see NST in the Pieces Details tab in the
  17. UN ID – the classifier of the cargo's threatness level (see UN ID in the Pieces Details tab in the


How to add a new entry to the Warehouse (currently allocated) AWBs:

  1. Go to the “Shipments Database” interface and select the necessary AWB (see Shipments Database)
  2. Fill the “WH” field
  3. Go to the “Warehouse” tab and fill the “In date” field
  4. Fill in the “Gross Weight” in case the field is empty
  5. Click the “Save” button
  6. Click the “Received all to Warehouse” button
  7. Find an AWB in the “Warehouse (currently allocated) AWBs” list. 

How to move entry from the Warehouse (to the History (Released) AWBs):

Use “Release” functional inside Warehouse or AWB interfaces: 

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