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Vacation List

Home Page→ HR→ Human resources → Vacations list


The list of vacations allows you to manage employees' vacations and filtered the list by different parameters. 


List Description 

  • Reference No - number of reference of vacation. 
  • Name - Name of employee.
  • Company - employee company.
  • Department - employee department. 
  • Position - employee position. 
  • Join Date - join date of an employee. 
  • Days - quantity of vacation days. 
  • Request date - vacation request date. 
  • From - from date of vacation.
  • Till - to date of vacation. 
  • Note - vacation note. 

Sorting and filtering

At the top of the page you can see next filters:

  • Search - filter by employee name.
  • Department - filter by employee department.
  • Company - filter by employee company. 
  • From Date/To Date - filter by date period. Also, you can use the ‘Change period’ selector.

By the ‘Filters’ button you can see additional filter by employee status:

In case you want to clear filters you can use the ‘Clear filters’ button. 

Additional Information

  1. You can create a new employee by the ‘New’ button in the list - by clicking on it the Employee page will open.

2. By double-clicking on a row in the list employee page will open. 

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