User Activity
How to open the User Activity List
Home > Settings > Users Management > Users Activity
This interface allows to look through the activity of each user. You can select different period and analyze the time that has been spent for working in the system by each member of team.
List description
- Login – the unique user’s name
- Name – the full name of user
- Office – the name of company that was selected in the User Management
- Total – the total number of worked hours
- Days – the number of hours worked per day. In case the time is more than 12 hours, the numbers will be red
General tab
- You can look through the activity details of each day.
Select the person you need and click on the time. The information about the activity will be shown: the start time and day and the end time, duration and IP. In case of closing the program, the time will be stopped. After returning to the system, the new period will start.
External tab
The “EXTERNAL” tab contains the same columns. The list with the activity of external users from other systems will be shown in it.
Sorting and filtering
- You have an opportunity to look through the history of user activity by month. Select the necessary month, year and click the “SEARCH” button.
- In case you need to see the longer period, fill in the “From” and “To” fields or select the appropriate period from the dropdown list, click to the button
- To find the necessary user quickly, select the column to be searched for (it can be Name, Login or Department) and fill in the “Search” field.
The “User Activity” report
In this report you will find all information as in the interface (login, name, office, total and activity time by all days according to the selected period). HTML and Excel reports are available.