ULD (a unit load device) is a pallet or container used to load luggage, freight, and mail on wide-body aircraft and specific narrow-body aircraft.
Here you can:
View the list of previously created pallets and their data
Control the location of the pallets and the number of days spent at the airport
Create a new pallet
Create Batch
Main elements on the page
1.Top filter panel
a. Q. Search - allows filtering data by pallet no, barcode, category, condition, owner, type, company, location, last AC type, last Reg.No, agreement no, notes
b. Data picker (from-to date)
c. “Categories” selector- all categories are ticked by default
d. “Condition” selector - five kinds of condition are selected by default
e. Pallet No. - pallet identifier number
f. “Type” selector
2.Side filter panel
a. Search/Refresh button
b. Filter bar - flexible filters allow you to find more exact results
Check-box “None” opposite some fields makes them unavailable for input or selection.
Also, you will see all entries without parameter(s) with ticked check-box“None”
For example, all pallets without Agreement No are displayed on the screen
c. Report button - allows printing the information about pallets in PDF and XLS format
d. New button for pallet creating
e. Clear filters button
f. Delete buttons become active after selection pallet in the list
3. Additional features
a. Batch Create
b. Batch update for selected pallets
c. Move pallets
d. Total pallets - summary information about the number of pallets and their route
e. Total Customers - summary information about customers and the number of pallets
4. Table with pallet data contains general information for the period. Some explanation you will find below:
“Days in airport” column is highlighted with different colors and shows the difference between the movement date and current date. When Days in Airport more then:
In the case of Returned day > 0, values in “Days in airport” are hidden
To view Returned dates, please specify the Returned condition
Batch Create option
AWERY system allows you to add the required number of pallets at a time. These pallets are not connected to each other and can be used separately
Press the and the form will be opened
Fill the data. Obligatory fields are marked by red asterisks
PRA 27.2 cu.m./961 cu.ft. 16 foot, maindeck pallet
XST 10 cu.m. / 353 cu.ft. 125x96 inch stabillizer rack
“Company” - auto from your user office
“Type” - Vendor type dropdown (pallet owner type)
“Owner” - after Vendor type selection, please specify the pallet owner
“CODE”* - will appear after Type selection
“From No”* - specify the pallet NO and pallet Quantity and the system will create automatically the corresponding pallet quantity and assign them numbers starting from the one you entered
“Category” * - categories of the pallet, available 5 options:
Join stock
“Condition”* - 7 pallet conditions are available on the dropdown:
“Location” - please specify the current location of the palette by input ICAO/IATA/Country/City
“Movement date/time” picker - select date manually or the current date will be saved automatically
“Agr. NO.” - agreement number
“Agreement Conditions” - text field for agreement details
“Note” - text area for comments
2. To confirm creation, please press thebutton
Batch Update option
You can edit one or several pallets at a time
Please, select the required pallet (s) and press the Batch Update button, and the sidebar will be opened
Specify new information and press
Move pallets option
It allows changing some information for the desired palette(s)
1.Press Move Pallets button The side-bar divided into 2 parts will appear:
a. The left-side part - displays the main pallets list for the period and filters for more exact result
b. The right-side part - displays the already selected pallets. The editable fields are located in the header
2. Please tick the required pallets on the left list and click the arrow button Selected pallets will be displayed on the right list.
To move palette(s) back press
3. Specify the mandatory and optional fields if you need and press the button
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