Translations setup
Home Page→ Settings→ System Settings→ General Settings→ Translations
Allows to add and edit translation for Airports, Awb Charges, Flight Charges which will be pulled in the system.
List description
- ID - number of entry
- Airport name - the airport name
- City - the city name
Awb Charges:
- ID - number of entry
- Description - description of the entry
Flight Charges:
- ID - number of entry
- Description - description of the entry
How to add translation to Airports
- Select the Airports table in the Table selector.
- Choose the needed airport from the list. Then select the language from the Language selector and add a translation for airport name and city
- Press on the Save button to save your entry after completing the form
How to add translation to Awb Charges
- Select the Awb Charges table in the Table selector.
- Choose the needed entry from the list. Then select the language from the Language selector and add translation to the Description field
- Press on the Save button to save your entry after completing the form
How to add translation to Flight Charges
- Select the Flight Charges table in the Table selector.
- Choose the needed entry from the list. Then select the language from the Language selector and add translation to the Description field
- Press on the Save button to save your entry after completing the form
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