This interface helps you to look through the information about jobs for each supplier.
So select the necessary supplier in the Contractor field to see the entries.
You can select the usual view of the interface or display it according to their transactions.
You have an opportunity to edit accounts and to create a new job with the same data from the interface.
The reports help to export the information in a more convenient view to conduct the necessary analysis.
List description:
Job No. – the unique number of a job
Type – the job type code
Subtype – the code of the job subtype
Date – the job created date
Descr – the space for additional information
Doc. No – the document number of a job
Ref. – the space for additional information in the Reference field
Dr acc no – the number of debit account
Dr acc – the name of debit account
Dr amount – the debit amount of a transaction or the sum of all debit transactions of the job
Cr acc no – the number of credit account
Cr acc – the name of credit account
Cr amount – the credit amount of a transaction or the sum of all credit transactions of the job
Balance – the total of all components of account
Allocated – the sum of allocated amount
Alloc. Diff – the difference between Balance and Allocated sum
How to display the entries in the interface
Select the Office and Contractor fields as these fields are required
Select the period
Sorting and filtering
The Quick Search is available by such columns: Job No, Type, Subtype, Descr, Doc. No, Ref., Dr acc no, Dr acc, Dr amount, Cr acc no, Cr acc, Cr amount, Balance, Allocated, Alloc Dif
You have an opportunity to make the filtration by:
Office, Contractor, Currency, Rate, Accounts Additional Account, Special Documents selectors. Pay attention that the Office and Contractor fields are required.
By Transactions and OAC checkboxes
Click the PAY button to open the form with creation of a new job. Pay attention that the Contractor, DR amount and CR amount will be the same as in the current job
Click the Edit Accounts button to make some changes in job
Select the necessary category and the accounts with the help of a tick and click the Save button
Tick the OAC checkbox to show all jobs that are Outstanding as Customer
Tick the By Transactions checkbox to show the list of all transactions for each job
Pay attention that in case of the By Transaction tick, the additional selector Special Documents will be shown in the interface
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