Suppliers Documents
Home Page→ Contractors→ Suppliers→ Suppliers Documents
This interface helps you to see the full list of Suppliers documents and the main information about them.
With the help of filters, you can find the necessary entry quicker.
The report helps to export the information in a more convenient view to conduct the necessary analysis.
List description:
- Suppliers – the name of the contractor
- Status – the supplier’s condition
- Supplier office – the name of the supplier’s company
- Compliance – the additional field with notes about compliance
- DOC. Type – the name of the document’s type
- Name – the document title
- No – the document’s number
- Issued – the release date
- Expiry – the expiration date of the document
- Days Left – the difference between the expired date and the current date
- Country –the issue country
- F – the icon v of clip is shown in case of attachments in document
- SLX ID – the external ID
How to add entries to the Suppliers Documents interface
- Select any supplier, using the double click
- Go to the Documents tab and create any document with the necessary type
How to find all document types with contractors that relate to them
- You can find names of the documents and the contractor types that relates to them in the System Settings→ CONTRACTORS/CRM→ Document Types or clicking the TYPES button
Sorting and filtering
- Click the Filters button to make the filtration
You have an opportunity to make the filtration by:
- Documents Types, Date type, Customer types, Supplier, Office, Doc. Office selectors
- From date, to date, NO. input fields
You have an opportunity to export the information in a more convenient view to conduct the necessary analysis. Click the Reports button and select the Export Documents report. You can get the information in PDF or XLS formats.
All columns from the interface will be shown in these reports.