Sister Companies
Accessing the Sister Companies Page
Navigate to the Contractors section and under the Suppliers Types Section click the “Sister Companies” Button.
The Sister Companies interface provides a comprehensive list of all sister companies, displaying their essential details for efficient viewing and filtering. Users can export reports for analysis, view deleted companies, and sort the list to see the newest entries on top.
Key Interface Elements
List Overview
ID: Unique identifier for each sister company.
Company: Name of the company.
Company Reg. Name: Officially registered name of the company.
Status: Current condition of the sister company.
Compliance: Additional compliance notes.
P.M.: Broker code.
Credit, D: Number of credit days.
Credit, A: Total credit amount.
Cur: Default currency.
Office: Office associated with the sister company.
CODE: Accounting code.
Country: Location country.
City: Location city.
E-mail: Contact email.
Phone: Contact phone number.
Created: Date of sister company creation.
External ID: SLX ID.
Payment Method: Method of payment.
Managing Sister Companies
Creation and Deletion
Create Sister Company: Use the Create button.
Delete Sister Company: Use the Delete button.
Sorting and Filtering
Filters Button: Enables filtering by various fields:
Selectors: Status, Office, Types, By Company/Category, Country, State, Services, Categories, Types.
Check Options:
Deleted: View deleted sister companies.
New on Top: Display newly added sister companies at the top.
Alphabetical Filter: Filter by the first letter of the sister company’s name.