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Shipper/Consignment List

Navigation To Shipper/Consignment List:

Navigate to the Settings section and under System Setup click the “System Settings” button.


Then navigate to the Cargo section and click the “Shipper/Consignment List” button.


Main Functionalities:

  1. Search Section:

    • This section is used to quickly find specific shippers or customers by their name, company details, or other relevant information.

    • Input any identifiable details such as the company name, street, city, etc., and the system will filter the list based on your search criteria.

  2. List of Shippers/Customers:

    • Type: Indicates whether the entry is a "Shipper" or another customer type.

    • Customer: Displays the name of the customer or shipper.

    • Company, Street, City, State, Country: Shows the corresponding details for each shipper or customer entry.

    • Other Details: May include ZIP, Phone, Fax, EORI Number, and other specific identifiers.

Note: This list allows you to see all existing shippers/customers and their associated details.

  1. Action Buttons:

    • Update: Use this button to apply any changes made to an existing shipper or customer entry.

    • New: Click this button to create a new shipper or customer entry.

    • Delete: Use this button to remove a selected shipper or customer from the system.

  2. Details Panel (Editor):

    • Company: Enter the name of the company for the shipper or customer.

    • Street: Provide the street address for the company.

    • City: Input the city where the company is located.

    • State: Provide the state or region information.

    • Country: Select or enter the country where the company is based.

    • ZIP: Enter the postal or ZIP code for the location.

    • Phone: Provide a contact phone number.

    • Fax: Input the fax number, if available.

    • EORI No: Enter the Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number, if applicable.

    • Type: Select "Shipper" or another relevant customer type from the dropdown list.

Additional Fields:

  • Customer: Specify whether the entity is categorized as a customer.

Steps for Managing Shippers/Customers:

  1. To Add a New Shipper/Customer:

    • Click on the New button.

    • Fill in the required fields in the Details Panel (Company, Street, City, State, Country, etc.).

    • Select the appropriate Type (e.g., Shipper).

    • Click Update to add the new shipper or customer to the list.

  2. To Edit an Existing Shipper/Customer:

    • Select the shipper or customer from the list.

    • Modify the fields in the Details Panel as necessary.

    • Click Update to save the changes.

  3. To Delete a Shipper/Customer:

    • Select the shipper or customer you want to remove from the list.

    • Click the Delete button.

    • Confirm the deletion if prompted.

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