Shipments Locations
Navigation To Shipments Locations:
Navigate to the Cargo section and under Shipments click the “Shipments Locations” button.
The Shipments Locations page allows users to view a list of AWBs (Air Waybills) along with their important data. Users can open individual AWBs for more detailed information.
List Description
AWB No.: The number of the transport document accompanying the air cargo.
AWB Origin: IATA/ICAO code of the origin airport for the AWB.
AWB Destination: IATA/ICAO code of the destination airport for the AWB.
Status: The current condition or status of the AWB.
Customer: The name of the customer associated with the AWB.
Psc number: The number of pieces of cargo.
Net Weight: The gross weight of the cargo.
Volume: The volume of the cargo.
DIMS: The dimensions of the cargo.
Flight No.: The number of flights associated with the AWB.
Reg. No.: The registration number of the flights associated with the AWB.
Load: IATA/ICAO code of the origin airport of the flight.
Offload: IATA/ICAO code of the destination airport of the flight.
Type: The type of flight.
AC Type: The number of the aircraft type for the flight.
Operator: The name of the operator of the flights in the AWB.
Departure Date: The departure date of the flight associated with the AWB.
Arrival Date: The arrival date of the flight associated with the AWB.
F. Status: The condition or status of the flight.
Remarks: Any handling details associated with the AWB.
You can sort the customer list by:
From/To Date: Allows sorting by a range of dates.
Date Type: Options include Departure and Arrival dates.
Customer, Operator, Load, Offload
To open the window with reports, press the Reports button.
Print (BookingListAwb): Available in two formats, Excel and PDF.