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Shipment main details

To access AWB database, select AWB/HAWB Database from the main menu.

NB Due to high level of system customization, some of described functions may work differently. If any of options below are not available under your user or work not the way it is described, please kindly contact your company manager or


To create New AWB, select corresponding menu item

or press  
from the AWB list.

Interface of new AWB will be opened. Before AWB is saved, only Details tab is available.

Main AWB information

Saving button

Adding new AWB

Booking date - will be automatically applied from date of creation of AWB. According to system settings local / UTC timing can be applied.

Departure date - will be picked up from the first flight departure date/time the AWB is planned on. According to system settings local / UTC timing can be applied.

Arrival date - will be picked up from the last flight arrival date/time the AWB is planned on. According to system settings local / UTC timing can be applied.

Which office is creating the AWB and will have access to see and modify it. By default office is picked up from the default office of your user.

Which team is creating the AWB and will have access to see and modify it. By default office is picked up from the default team of your user.

AWB status

  • REQUEST - the first status, automatically set when AWB is created. Not available to be planned to flight.

  • WAITING - after pressing Confirm booking this status is set. Can be planned to flight now.

  • PLANNED - auto set when AWB is planned to flight.

  • OFFLOADED - auto set is AWB is offloaded from all flights.

  • STANDBY - manual status.

  • FORWARD - manual status.

  • DEPARTURE - when the first flight AWB is planned on departs, status is auto set.

  • UNPLANNED - manual status

  • NON-COMPLETED - auto set if AWB is planned partially.

  • MISSING - manual status

  • POD - manual status

  • TRANSIT - auto set, when flight AWB is planned on arrived to the destination, but destination of AWB and flight are different.

  • ARRIVAL - auto set, when flight AWB is planned on arrived to the destination and both AWB and flight destinations are the same.

  • CANCELLED - manual status.

will show log of statuses changes

After AWB is created, Confirm booking should be done to change status from Request or Waiting.

Confirmation sent tick should be presses if confirmation is sent

Press if prepayment from client is received.

will show the log

Tick if VAt is applied for this AWB. Filtering by this parameter is available form the list

Tick if AWB should be CASS exported. Filtering by this parameter is available form the list

Press is Proof of delivery is received for this AWB

Press if AWB customs cleared

Selection of broker responsible for this AWB. Check button is applicable as an additional confirmation.

Check can be deleted.

Origin / Destination of AWB.


AWB volume. Is taken as sum of volumes of pieces

AWB priority

Press to add quotation for this AWB

Total number of pieces. Sum of all pieces created in this AWB. If only one set of pieces is created - can be overwritten manually, so the set qty will be also changed.

Generic units to be used for AWB and rates.

Gross weight of AWB. Sum of all Gross weights of pieces created, can be overwritten manually.

Chargeable weight of AWB. Sum of all Chargeable weights of pieces created, can be overwritten manually.

Volume weight of AWB. Sum of all Volume weights of pieces created

Internal mailer. Send confirmation in pre-defined template format or create new one. More details on templates.

Select if AWB is currently in any warehouse.

AWB pick up date, to be inserted manually

How many pieces out of total qty is at warehouse

Type of rate to be applied for this AWB

Special handling codes to be applied for AWB

Details tab

Select for internal information

  • transit cargo

  • local cargo

  • re-export cargo

  • sea/air cargo

Press to open Stock management page.

NB Different setting are available for further selections. Airline stock can be filtered by office. AWB numbers by teams. Customers by office. Customer AWB’s numbers by teams. To clarify your current settings, please contact your company manager.  

Select Airline stock company who provides stock number

Select if AWB number is non-stock. In such case you will be able to insert AWB number manually in the field

If you want to select AWB number from available in stock. The list filtered by Airline stock selected above will be shown.

Auto selection of AWb number from next available from stock.

Select customer for the AWB. if the tick Customer stock is ticked, only assigned to this customer AWB numbers will be available for selection or Auto.


will open the selected customer profile and you can edit the information about it

Customer’s contacts to be selected. Default contact will be picked up. More on Customer management.

Insert / select AWB number

Press to check if this AWB was not used before.

Insert origin and/or destination of AWB. Search within airports database by IATA/ICAO, city/country/airport name

Insert delivery address

Select HAWB origin

Insert contact details for this AWB

Select commodity type and description.

According to settings can be changed to Cargo description field.

Insert name of the project for this AWB if any

Tick if AWB has live animals or is secured

Select handling agent from list of suppliers

Select the deck for this AWB. Applicable also for rates usage

Insert information about consignee

Insert information about shipper

Insert any handling details. Can be used for AWB printing

Insert any internal notes.

If there is a sharing setup done for your company, tick to share this AWB.

Tick if there is a freight collect for this AWB, insert amount and select currency & rate

Tick if freight collected and insert the date of it.

Insert any information concerning accounting issues.Can be used for AWB printing

Insert any additional handling information. Can be used for AWB printing

You can select courier for the AWB and rate him

Pieces details

Refresh pieces information


Clone selected piece

Create new piece

Delete piece

Delete selected pieces

Select qty of pieces within one set. This is freight number of units

Insert dimensions of each set of pieces.

If the size of the cargo correspond to the declared, tick Dims confirmed, to mark all items in the list, tick Confirm dims.

Insert each piece weight

Total weight will be calculated from above, or distributed if piece weight is not inserted

Insert Chargeable weight of set

Insert volume weight

Each piece can have own status. Statuses are the same as for the AWB and will be distributed automatically from AWB or if pieces are managed separately - from pieces to AWB

Mark if the set consist of dangerous goods, select the code and insert the UN ID.

Mark if the set is Non-stackable

Mark if the set is Perishable.

Insert destinations and or/location for each piece

Insert palette number on which this pieces set will be planned  

Insert the name of customer at pieces destination

If you need to divide the set into several - insert qty of pieces in first set at press Split. For example: you have the cargo consisted of 5 pieces, you set number 2 and click Split - get the breaking cargo in two sets 3 pieces and 2 pieces

Insert HAWB number

Insert MAWB number

Insert Shipper number

Insert consignee and/or shipper details

Insert facility name and/or other details

To copy information of pieces, select the fields you wan tto copy and press Copy

Information on who creator and last editor of piece

Quick search within pieces

After pieces information is inserted, press

. We suggest to press save after any chnages to existing pieces are done also.

Put selected pieces on flight. More on AWB planning.

Put all pieces on flight

Routing tab, Tracking tab, Tracking graph and options available on these pages are described in AWB planning manual.

Attachments tab

Is dedicated for attaching any local files from your computer to the AWB and creating internal messages.

To create a message, press +, the pop up window will be opened. Insert the message, mention from and to, insert the message body, press Save. The message will appear in the list. To delete it - select it in list and press delete.

This functionality is dedicated for uploading attachments and sending them from system.

To pre-edit the picture before uploading, use

, so the internal image editor will be opened

For simple files attachment use

button and after file is selected from your local storage, press
. You can edit the name of the file in Name field after upload.
as well as
download or send
. To delete selected attachment press

Mail tool tab functions are described on Mail tool page.

Print/Reports tab

Will print not lined AWB form to be used for printing on templates

Lined AWB form

Printing of documents for OBC needs. Reports are customizable.

POD in English and German. Reports are customizable.

Labels printing on behalf of selected company the user has access to. Print is customizable.

AWB logs

Created to share internal information among departments and employees. Each one is available by permission

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