Services Statistics
Flights→ Flight Services→ Services Statistics
Services Statistics page allows you to see the list of services which were created for different flights as a percentage.
On the page you can see the data by a service type, airports, countries, customers, suppliers and filters by this data.
Page Description
For the selected date period on the page displays pie charts and diagrams by services types by default.
Also, you can see diagrams for airports, countries, customers, suppliers.
When you hover on the pie chart you can see exactly quantity of created services.
The same for the diagram in case you hover on a column.
Both diagrams you can view in full screen, print it, download png, jpeg, svg image or save it in pdf format.
Sorting and filtering
For filtering you can use the Refresh button or search data by enter.
On the top of the page you can see main filters: by date type, from/to dates, Office, Service Office, Status, Schedule Status, Chart type.
By the Filters button you can see more filters on the page.
Types filter - filter by service type.
Customer filter - filter by service customer. Also you can select customer type and find the needed person.
Flight ID filter - filter by flight id where service was created.
Service No filter - filter by service number.
Reg. No filter - filter by registration number of flight where service was created.
Call sign filter - filter by call sign of flight where service was created.
Vendor filter - filter by service vendor.
ACType filter - filter by aircraft type of flight where service was created.
Country filter - filter by country of flight waypoint where service was created.
Airport filter - filter by airport of flight waypoint where service was created.
Also, you can filter by confirmed services and not confirmed. Use an Acknowledge tick and Non-Acknowledge tick.
Export report can see by clicking on the Reports button.
For clearing filters you can use the Clear Filters button