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Sectors services management

Services basic management

To manage services in flight, switch to Route tab 

If there already some services created, they will be listed below.

To create new service, press New Service 

Fields may vary depending on service type and global settings for each customer 

Service type 


- Service number is generated automatically according to Customers’ requests 


Reference number is the number received from Supplier 


If the same service is required for several waypoints, you can clone it. Choose waypoint from the list and press clone 


 If one service corresponds to several waypoints, but needs to be with the same number, you can link it. Choose

waypoint and press Add 


Service status. Will be changed automatically due to changes of time, Reference number, Revisions. 


Schedule status of service 


Press to acknowledge the service

To choose if the service is required by arrival/departure/both


To choose who is responsible for organizing service 


Insert the service validity 


- applicable for services with quantity. Might be digits or letters 


-  Entry – Exit points. *applicable for overfly permissions, Landing, Navigation etc 

Choosing way of payment for service 

Service priority 

Supplier of service 


Contact of supplier 


The actual service provider 


Client, who requires the service 


If the tick is active, service do not require Supplier 


Comments done by service agents 


Comments done by Customer 


Alerts for  Country/Airport 


Notes for service 


- *applicable for Fuel services. Fuel rates to be chosen and applied 

List of available Fuel rates 


Services Creator/Editor 


Sending emails from system using customized



 - *applicable for some services. Adding aircraft documents to the email 


- Showing sent & received text 


After the data is filled in, press 


The list of services for this waypoint will be on the right side 


The list of all services for flight will be on the tab Services Summary 

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