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Sector Purposes

Home Page→ System Settings→ Flights Section→ Sector Purposes


The Sector Purposes intended to add new goals for the flight sectors. That allows users to choose them when creating a flight and no need to input data manually.

Users can also delete and edit existing items.

List description

1.Search- allows you to filter entries by purpose and conditional field parameters

2. Editor - the set of buttons and fields, which helps you to add new items, edit and delete existing entries

3. The table of existing items contains the following columns: 

  • Purpose - the goal of the flight
  • Conditional fields - additional information about flight purpose


  • To create a new purpose, users need to click on the +NEW Fill the Purpose field (required) and Purposes keys field (optional)
  • Click the Save The page will be updated automatically, and a new purpose will appear in the list

    *Purpose Keys are not used in the AWERY system. They are used by other system products (service portals)
  • To edit existing purposes, please select any from the list. The edit area will be updated automatically according to the selection, make changes, and click the Save. The data will be updated.
  • To delete purpose, please, select any item from the list. The edit area will be updated automatically according to the selection, and the Delete button will appear. To delete “purpose” click Delete

The sector purpose can be selected when creating a new flight or editing an existing flight 


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