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Schedules management

To create a schedule, first follow the instruction on flight/truck creation.

When the flight is created, open General tab and press Create Schedule/Trip cloning

  • To copy a flight to a specific date, use

  • To copy the flight and to have it not connected to any schedule (simple trip cloning) use the tick

  • To create a schedule for the period, use schedule tick, insert dates range and days of the week

Service cloning / moving


If services were created in your flight, you can copy them to scheduled flights also

If you tick manual, you can select action applicable for each service.

If you select any of the options above, it will be applicable for all services.

  • None - Services are not cloned

  • New - Services are cloned with no Reference number, all statuses are changed to initial, Service numbers are re-created

  • New with supplier - Suppliers are kept, Services are cloned with no Reference number, all Statuses are changed to initial, Service numbers are re-created

  • Copy all /New Numbers - Statuses, Suppliers are kept, empty Ref No, Services numbers re-created.

  • Copy all - Services are cloned with current Statuses, same Suppliers, Service & Reference numbers

Description of each option is available upon pointing


If you select On date cloning, there will be another option available - Moving services from existing flight to the newly created one.

  • None

  • Revised. Services are moved with Status, Ref No, Number, Supplier/-s, Expenses/Revenue, but with a created revision and Schedule status Revised

  • N/A/Updated. Services are moved with Number, Supplier/-s, Expenses/Revenue, Status Not Actioned, Schedule Status Updated, Empty ref No

  • N/A/New Number. Services are moved with Expenses/Revenue, Status N/A, Schedule status Updated, Ref No deleted, New number created, Supplier/-s are kept

  • As is. Services are moved keeping Number, Ref no, Status, Schedule status, Supplier/-s, Expenses/Revenue

Description of each option is available upon pointing.

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