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Revision Reasons

Home page→ System Settings→ Flight module→ Revision Reasons


The interface allows you to customize the list of revision reasons and use them to manage services.

Also, you have an opportunity to edit and delete existing items

List description

  1. Editor - the set of buttons and fields, which helps you to add new items, edit and delete existing entries
  2. Search - allows you to filter data by the reason, priority parameters
  3. The table of existing items contains the following columns:
    • Revision Reason
    • Prior -  in what order entries will be displayed
    •  Empty 
      • In case of the empty cell, the revision will be created automatically with Notes
      • In case of a green tick
        revision will be added without Notes


  • To create a new Revision Reason, please move to the Editor and click the +New button. Fill in the mandatory fields “Reason”. "Prior" field and check-box "Empty" are optional

  • After filling in the data, please click the Save button
  • To edit an existing item, please select it on the list. After making changes, click the Save button
  • To delete an existing reason, please select the necessary item from the list. The Delete button will appear in the editor, click it

Revision Reasons are used when you add services to the waypoint. The option is available by permission disableRevisionBtnsService=false


  • There are no permissions on the Revision reasons page

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