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Rates Surcharges Management

How to use Surcharges


You can choose any Surcharge type from list on the left side and open any template or create new one for the type chosen.

To open the certain template, choose it from the Surcharge type list and double click it.

Surcharge template:

  • both are used for Revenue tab and Expenses tab in AWB;

  • sell is used for Revenue tab in AWB;

  • buy is used for Expenses tab in AWB;

Weight types:

  • Ch Weight or

  • Gross Weight determine from which field in the AWB will be used weight.

Template types:

To use Surcharges with Rate sheet in AWB, some fields in AWB and Surcharge template must be the same:

  • Office

  • Stock Company

  • Commodities

Surcharge template:


  • Dates

  • Origin

  • Destination

For Routing radio-button in AWB, fields from Rate Sheet will compare with fields on AWB page>Routing tab.

For AWB radio-button in AWB, fields from Rate Sheet will compare with fields on AWB page>Details tab.

Surcharge template:

AWB (for Routing radio-button):

AWB (for AWB radio-button)

In Rate Sheet you can find “Surcharges” field.

In “Surcharges” field select any type from dropdown list and add it.

Please note, the Surcharges work only together with Rate Sheet, it is obligatory to connect them.

When you use “Rate Sheets” with Surcharges in “Revenue” and “Expenses” tabs using any of buttons:

  • general “Rate”

  • general “Auto Rates”

  • “Revenue Rates Auto” from tab Routing

  • “Expenses Rates Auto” from tab Routing,

The System will automatically create few lines - one for Rate Sheet, other - for Surcharges.

Example. While using the Rate Sheet, the System found the suitable Surcharge and added the additional entry line for it:

  1. Entry from Surcharges template data

  2. Entry from Rate Sheet data

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