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Qualification Types

Home Page→ System Settings→ Crew→ Qualifications Types


The current settings are used for the FDTL module

Main functionality on the page:

  1. Search allows you to filter items by Name, Description, ICAO Category, Landing, Take Off, BCR
  2. The data table
  3. The Editor - the set of fields and buttons, which helps add, edit and delete items


  • To add a new qualification type, click the New button in the editor and fill in the next data:

Name -  qualification type name. Mandatory field

Description - field for notes and details

ICAO Category - specify ICAO Minimum Categories for Precision Approaches and Landings

BCR - Bottom Cloud Range (int)

Landing L. min/ Take Off L. min - the minimum number of takeoffs and landings according to the selected ICAO Category (int)

“Show in Pilot list” check-box - qualification types with ticked check-box will be shown in the Pilot list

  • Click the Save button after completing the form
  • To edit, select the item on the list, make changes and save
  • To delete, select the required qualification type on the list, the Delete button will appear in the editor. Submit or cancel the action in the dialog box


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