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Purchase Orders

To access the Purchase Orders interface and manage your purchase orders, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Purchase Orders Interface:

    • Go to the Home Page.

  2. Access Accounting Section:

    • Click on "Accounting" from the main menu.

  3. Go to Purchases:

    • Select "Purchases" from the submenu.

  4. Select Purchase Orders:

    • Click on "Purchase Orders."

  5. View Purchase Orders List:

The interface will display the full list of purchase orders along with their main information:

  • ID: The unique identification number assigned to each purchase order.

  • No.: The number assigned to the purchase order for reference and tracking purposes.

  • Ref. No.: The reference number associated with the purchase order.

  • Company: The name of the office or company associated with the purchase order.

  • Supplier: The name of the contractor or supplier from whom the goods or services are being ordered.

  • Contact: The name of the contact person or user associated with the purchase order.

  • Ship to: The name of the company to which the goods will be shipped.

  • Date: The date on which the purchase order was issued or created.

  • Currency: The currency in which the purchase order is denominated.

  • Amount: The total amount of the purchase order, including the subtotal, sales tax, and shipping costs. This reflects the overall financial commitment of the purchase order.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Manuals for Adding and Deleting Purchase Orders:

  • To add a new purchase order, click the "+" button. 

  • Fill in the necessary fields and click the "Update" button.

  • To delete a purchase order, select the order and click the "Delete" button. 

  • Confirm the action by clicking "Delete" again.

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Sorting and Filtering:

  • Use the available filters to narrow down your search by ID, No., currency, company, contractor type, contractor, and date range.

Interior Interface:

  • Double-click on any order to select it and access detailed information.

Main Informational Block:

  1. Company: The name of the company or office associated with the purchase order.

  2. Type: Type of purchase order, indicating the nature or purpose of the order.

  3. Supplier: The name of the contractor or supplier from whom the goods or services are being ordered.

  4. Contact: The name of the contact person or user associated with the purchase order.

  5. Ref No: The reference number associated with the purchase order.

  6. Requisitioner: The person or department responsible for initiating the purchase order.

  7. Delivery Date: The expected delivery date for the goods or services.

  8. P.O. Date Calendar: Calendar selector for choosing the purchase order date.

  9. Shipped Via: Method or carrier used for shipping the goods.

  10. FOB Point: The location where ownership of the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer.

  11. Terms: Payment terms and conditions agreed upon for the purchase order.

  12. Name, Company, City, Country, Phone, Address, Address 2: Information related to the shipping address.

  13. Currency: The currency in which the purchase order is denominated.

  14. Rate Selector: Selector for choosing the exchange rate, if applicable.

  15. Sales Tax: Input field for specifying sales tax associated with the purchase order.

  16. Shipping: Input field for specifying shipping costs associated with the purchase order.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Additional Block:

Items Tab: Tab for managing individual items or products included in the purchase order.

  • Part Number: Information about the part or product number.

  • Qty: Quantity of parts or products ordered.

  • Unit: Unit of measure for the quantity ordered.

  • Description: Additional information or description of the item.

  • Rate: The unit price or tariff plan for each item.

  • Amount: The total amount for each item, calculated as rate * quantity.

  • Condition: Additional information or condition related to the item.

  • Subtotal: The subtotal amount for all items in the purchase order.

  • Total: The total amount for the entire purchase order, including sales tax and shipping.

Jobs Tab: The tab for linked jobs to the purchase order.

  • Linked Jobs: Information about jobs associated with the purchase order.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage your purchase orders and access detailed information about them through the Purchase Orders interface.

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