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Home→  Flights→ Enquiry→ Office Enquiries→ Open a required Enquiry→ Pricing 

  1.  Tick the box and click on the line to select the required Option
  2.  Enter Cost of Charter flight
  3.  Select Currency 

    Main currency for Pricing can be set and changed in "My User Settings" window. Click on your login at Home page to see all parameters set as default.

    Select a new currency from the list> Press "Update User Settings" to apply changes

  4.  Enter Sell price
  5.  After steps 2,3,4 are done Margin will be calculated automatically

    You can also enter the Cost (2) and then add margin in percentage or put a specific amount

  6.  Internal notes - will not be indicated on any client's document
  7.  Operator notes – will show up on the Charter Flight Quotation
  8.  Additional Item lines you want yo include in the Invoice can be added "+" or removed "Remove item" (Types of items can be set up and changed in Broker Pick list Setup)
  9.  Press 
     to apply the changes.
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