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POD (Proof of Delivery)

How to use POD (Proof of Delivery)

Status POD (proof of delivery), used to mark delivered cargo, you can mark cargo in two ways: 

1. You can put status POD to cargo just pushing  
 button in AWB

and then  
button to save changes.  And you can unmark POD cargo, follow the same steps, but with pressing  

2. You can put status POD to several positions at once, to do this you have to mark several positions by putting a tick in the checkbox on the left

and then press   button , it will open next window


with following forms: 

  - you can type Master AWB number  - you can type In AWB number

 - put a tick to make chosen position marked as POD

 - put a tick to remove POD positions

- press this button to save changes

 Also you can search by POD positions , to do such search , go to  “Extended Search” menu 

  and put a tick in the check box “POD” below, then press  search button, all POD positions will be shown,  to clear search press clear search button ,

and then refresh button.

In the AWB list POD positions will be marked by such icon - as you see on the picture below

and then press   button , it will open next window

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