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Passport Control

Home Page→ HR→ Human Resources→ Passport Control


The current interface allows you to monitor the passport's location, manage their release and return dates

List Description:

Employee - name of the employee

Passport Location - current passport location

On hands - a passport that is temporarily issued to an employee is marked with a green tick

Date of Release - date of passport release

Request Return Date - planned date of passport return

Actual Return Date - actual date of passport return

Notes - comments and details

DR - days left to the requested return date

Deposit - entries with Deposit parameter are marked with a green tick

Category - employee category: crew or employee


  • To add a new entry click the New button and fill in the information in the sidebar

Contractor is mandatory field

Request Return Date is calculated automatically depending on the Release Date and Days Request

Specify category - Employee or Crew

Chose passport location - Authority or Office

  • Click Save
  • To return passport to employee select required entry and click the Returned Passport button 

  • In case you need to delete entry, select in on the list and click the Delete button
Sorting and Filtering

Awery system allows you flexible filters. Available parameters Date by, From-To date, Office, Statuses, Types, Categories, etc


You can export information in PDF format


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