Home→ Contractors→ Activities & Tasks→ Opportunities
This interface helps you to see the full list of opportunities and the main information about them.
With the help of filters, you can find the necessary entry quicker.
You can sort the interface according to the deal date and opportunity date.
List description
- ID – the unique ID of opportunities
- Responsible – the employee who was appointed in charge
- Contractor – the name of the customer
- Pipeline stage – the development status
- Opportunity date – the date of the opportunity creation
- Opportunity type – the kind of the opportunity
- Deal date – the close date
- Revenue forecast – the projected income
- Confidence forecast – the confidence level in the forecast
- F – the icon of clip is shown in case of attachments
How to create opportunities
- Click the + New button to create a new entry
- The sidebar is opened. Fill in the necessary fields in the Opportunity tab and click the CREATE button
- After the entry was created, the Additional tab would be unlocked
The space for Drag&Drop Attachments and Notes will be displayed
How to filter the interface by date
Select the Deal date variant in the Date type selector to make the filtration by the Deal date column
Select the Opportunity date variant in the Date type selector to make the filtration by the Opportunity date column
Sorting and filtering
Click the Filters button to make the filtration by:
- ID, Revenue forecast from, Revenue forecast to, From date, To date, Currency input fields
- Contractor type, Contractor, Confidence forecast, Date type, Responsible, Stages selectors
- The Quick Search is available by such columns: ID, Responsible, Contractor, Pipeline stage, Opportunity date, Revenue forecast and Confidence forecast fields