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New FA Requests

Navigate to New FA Requests:

Navigate to the Accounting section and under Fixed Assets click the “New FA Request” button.


NB: A New FA Request can also be added from the FA Request page.

Main Information Block

Steps to Create a New FA Request:

Fill in Necessary Fields:

  • Delivery to Location: Mandatory field for specifying where the items should be delivered.

  • Requested by Department: Mandatory field for indicating the department making the request.

  • Delivery to Department: Mandatory field for indicating the department receiving the items.

Update Button:

  • After completing the required fields, click the Update button to save the new FA request.

Interface Change:

  • Upon successful creation, the user interface will update to reflect the newly created request.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Additional Blocks

Requested Items Tab:

  • QTY: Enter the quantity of items.

  • Items Description: Provide additional notes about the items.

  • Process Items: Indicate the status of the items.

  • Process Item Linked Status

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How to display the Process item linked status

  • To display this status, stay on the Requested Items tab.

  • Select the Approved status in the Process Items column and click Update.

A white and grey rectangular object  Description automatically generated with medium confidence
  • Create new process item using the entry from the Requested Items tab and click the Update button

  • The Process Item Linked Status will now be displayed in the Requested Items tab.

  • Note that the Approved status will be blocked, preventing any further changes.

Process Items Tab:

  • Requested Item: Shows the name and description of the item and its quantity.

  • Description/Comments: Space for additional information.

  • FA Type: Select the type of fixed asset.

  • FA Subtype: Select the subtype of fixed asset.

  • FA: Enter the name of the fixed asset.

    • Use the search button to find existing fixed assets.

    • The linked order number will be displayed if there is a linked purchase or move order.

  • Click on the fixed asset to open its details.

Linking Purchase/Move Orders:

  • Tick the necessary entry.

  • Click the Create Purchase/Move Order button.

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An error message will appear if the entry already has a linked purchase order or if the FA column is empty.

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Adding a New Fixed Asset:

  1. Click the Add New FA button to create a new fixed asset. This will open a sidebar.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Fill in the necessary entries and click the Save button.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. The new fixed asset will appear in the FA selector.

Additional Tabs

Files Tab:

  • Provides a space for drag-and-drop attachments.

Approvals Tab:

  • User: Displays the user's ID.

  • Date: Shows the creation date of the approval.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  • Click the Approve button to approve the FA Request.

  • Click the Delete button to clear the tab.

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