Home→ Order & POS→ Orders management→ New Branch Booking
This interface allows you to create bookings that came from internal customers.
Also, there is an opportunity to create orders, send SMS, link jobs, and upload reports. In case the customer has a discount, you can reduce the amount of the order.
To add a present is also possible in this interface.
How to create a new entry
To create a new branch booking, fill in the necessary fields, and click the Save button. Pay attention that the Station, Customer, Phone and Delivery location fields are required.
In case the customer has filled the booking type in the Customers list, the Booking type field in the New Branch Booking interface will be not active. The name of the type will be changed automatically.
*Customers interface
*New Branch Booking interface
Pay attention that the Discount percent, Customer discounts and Discount bulk fields will be active in case the order has no job and the Amount > 0
Pay attention that in the Customer selector you will find the shortlist of customers. In case the invoice type is Branch Order, the customer can be in this selector.
List description in the Orders tab
ID – the unique number of the order
Revision – the status of review
Order details – the space of additional information
Location – selected origin location
Complexity – the level of complexity of the order
Time – the period of the time for the execution of the order
Done, % - the percentage of completion depending on the complexity of the order
Amount – the total order amount
Z – the clip is shown in case there are attachments.
How to link a job
Click the + button to generate an entry
Fill in the necessary fields in the sidebar. Pay attention that the Office, Bank and Subtype fields are required
Click the Create Entry button to confirm the creation
In case the creation was successful, you could find this job in the Linked jobs tab
To open the job, click the Open Entry button
To delete the job, click the Delete job button
How to set the status to all
In case you need to change the status in all orders at once, open the Set status to all selector
Select the necessary variant -> all orders have changed their statuses
*Pay attention that you have no opportunity to select the previous statuses. They will be blocked.
List description in the SMS tab
From – the sender of the SMS
To – the recipient of the SMS
Message – the text of the message
Count – the count of the delivered SMS
Cost – the cost of the SMS
Creator – the user who creates the SMS
Date – the date of sending
How to send the SMS
Click the + button to open the sidebar
Select the necessary customer and fill in the other fields. Click the Send button to confirm the action
How to edit customer discount
Click the Edit button to open discounts
In the sidebar you have an opportunity to create/edit/delete discounts. Fill in the necessary fields and click the Save button
Additional information
To create the same booking, click the Clone button
To open the contractor, click the button
To add a new customer, click the button
To add the presets to the orders, click the Presets button, select the suitable entry and click the + button
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