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New AWB fields

Please kindly pay attantion on the last changes to AWB dates in our system deployed on 09.04.15

Now on AWBpage there is Booking date (When the AWB was booked), Arrival Date (Will be added automatically for arrived AWB from arrival date of the last flight this AWB is planned on), Departure Date(Will be filled automatically from the departure date of first flight AWB is planned on), Pick-up date (When the customer has to bring it to your warehouse).

The date in field (1) was the "pick-up date" and now this corresponds to new date type "booking date"

"Pick up date" now can be entered in propper field (4)

There is also "departure date" (2) and "arrival date" (3)

"Booking date" and "pick up" date will be filled with current date when saving AWB by default.

The column in AWB list and AWB profit "Ready DT" was corresponding to "Pick up date" and is now named propperly.


This updates will help to avoid the further confusions with different reports that will be also updated in nearest time.

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