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Monthly Working Hours

Home Page→ System Settings→ Crew→ Monthly Working Hours


These settings are used for the FDTL module and affect the recalculation of time limits for crew members

Main functionality on the page:

1.The table data

2.The Editor - the set of buttons and fields, which helps you add, edit and delete items 


  • To add a new item, click the New button in the Editor and fill in the information:

On date - you can add any date, but the first day of the month will be saved by default

Year - year

Month - number of the month, max value 12 month

Working days - number of working days in a month

Modifier - the value of modifying limit, can enter a positive or negative value

  • To finish the creation, click the Save button
  • In case you need to change some data, select the required item on the list. Make changes in the editor and click Save
  • To delete, select the item on the list and the Delete button will appear in the editor


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