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Manual for cash/cheque request creation

Manual for cash/cheque request creation

First choose the corresponding tab in HR module – the list of existing cash requests will be presented 


For new Cash/request creation press 



For creation please fill in the corresponding information

Type – choose Cash or Cheque request by putting tip

Currency – choose currency from the drop-down list

Request date – choose the date of request

Employee, Department, Company  – information about the request-creator

Reference Number – insert the reference number of the request

Subject – insert the description of request you need

Notes – any notes needed

In case of Cheque request please choose Supplier as well from drop-down list 




After pressing 
  you will be provided with possibility to add Request items

Choose Kind from drop-down list 

Insert Price and Quantity. Amount will be calculated automatically. The total sum of request will be shown 


After allocate request to corresponding account 




To create job for current request, press 

To print the request press   


Example of printed request 


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