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Maitanenance Types

Home Page→ System Settings→ Aircraft→  Maintenance Types


Aircraft need regular maintenance. In this interface, you can add appropriate maintenances and then control the timing of their execution and frequency.

Also, you have an opportunity to edit and delete existing items

Main functionality on the page

1.Search allows you to find items by type, duration, flight hours, cycles, days

2.The table data contains the following information:

  • Type - maintenance name
  • Duration -  duration of execution
  • Frequency flight hours - the total of flight hours after which maintenance required
  • Frequency cycles - the total of take-offs and landings after which maintenance required
  • Frequency Days - the total of days after which the maintenance required

3. Editor- the set of buttons and fields, which helps you to add new items, edit and delete existing entries


  • To add a new item, please click the New button in the Editor and fill in the data.

Type-  is required and should be input manually 

Duration(hours) - input field

Freq. flight hours, Freq. cycles, Freq. days - you can enter values manually or use Count

  • After filling the data click Save
     and a new entry will appear in the list
  • To make changes, please select an item on the list. The information will be displayed in the editor, click Save after changes
  • In case you need to remove some entry, select it on the list. The Delete button will appear in the editor, please click it

Using of Maintenance Types in the system
  • You can select maintenance types when adding a new aircraft to the base or editing existing AC Type
  • In case of adding maintenance to a particular aircraft in Aircraft Database


  • There are no permissions on the page

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