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Interline Operators

Home Page→System Settings→ Cargo→ Interline Operators


AWERY system allows you to create a list of Operators (Companies) who cooperate with each other.

Such agreements are used when there is no direct flight on the required route.

Сustomer buys cargo space for one flight. While this flight can consist of multiple flights (sectors). During the transfer, the cargo is loaded onto the next sector (flight)

Interline Operators settings are used for Cargo Booking App

Main functionality on the page

1.Filters section contains the next fields:

Expire Date - today’s date is selected by default. You can change the date by using the date picker

Operator - filtering by Operator

2.The list of existing items. Please find the column description below:

Expire Date - the expiration date of the agreement between two companies

Operator - the main operator

Interline Operator - operator-partner to whom cargo transportation is delegated

3.The Editor - the set of buttons and fields, which helps to add, edit and delete the enries


  • To add a new Interline Operator, please press the +NEW button in the Editor and enter the mandatory information:

Expire Date - specify the expiry date of the agreement

Operator - select the required company in the drop-down

Interline Operator - select the second company in the drop-down

  • To confirm the Interline Operator creation, click the Save button

NB: The system will create two entries automatically. The Companies who have entered into an agreement can be both entities: an Operator and an Interline Operator for each other

  • In case of some changes, please select the required item on the list. The data will be displayed in the Editor. After updates, click the Save button

The data for the second participant of the agreement will be changed automatically

  • The Delete button becomes available in the Editor after selecting the entry

When you deleting one of the dependent items, the second item will be deleted automatically


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