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Instructions for creating, editing and tracking of AWB

Instructions for creating, editing and tracking air waybills

 To add cargo in AWB Database follow these steps:

Opening the base of your company, on the main menu in the table Cargo click on the row AWB Database


or in the top menu in drop-down window Cargo click on the row  AWB Database



opens a table then press the button
  , which opens the list to create and add cargo.

Tab AWB Details  


– transit cargo

 - local cargo

 - re-export cargo

 - sea/air cargo

Also you can select the number of air waybill 


  – automatic selection

 – choose from the list

  - choose a number from the customer list 

 - choose a number from GSA

– creation of your own number

 With the help of this button
 you can check out the number 

In the drop down box Customer choose the "customer" from the list 


If the client is not listed, you can add it manually, press
 this action will open a new window with a form to fill, see "Instructions for adding / editing information about the partners»

 will open the selected customer profile and you can edit the information about it

After adding a "customer", refresh the list by pressing 

Next you need to fill in the following fields:


Origin – load point

Destination – point of destination

Delivery – final destination

HAWB Origin – starting point of load


Gross Weight – total weight of cargo

Name – contact name 

Contact E-mail – contact E-mail

Tel – contact phone

Cargo Description – cargo description


Consignee – consignee

Shipper – shipper

Notes – notes

After filling in all necessary forms, click  
 to conduct document.

Tab Cargo Details



To add a cargo press  
 then complete the following boxes

 - freight number of units
 - cargo length
 - cargo width
 - cargo height
 - weight of one piece of cargo
 - number of pallets of cargo
 - choice of units of length (cm / inch)
 - number of pallets of cargo
If the size of the cargo correspond to the declared, tick  
 , to mark all items in the list, tick 
 also fill in next fields:
 - dangerous cargo

 - unique number assigned to dangerous cargo

 - non stackable

 - perishable

It is possible to divide the cargo, it is necessary to choose the position you want to divide, set number of parts
 and press Split

 For example: you have the cargo consisted of 5 pieces, you set number 2 and click Split - get the breaking cargo in two pieces 3 places and 2 places. With the help of the button
 you can copy 
necessary fields into Exel.

 After filling all necessary forms, click
 for adding cargo


If you need to remove one item of cargo, select it and press
 , remove all items with cargo - choose 
 and press 

After adding all the necessary cargo, specify the date and time of arrival of cargo at the warehouse  
 and press 

You have the ability to add selected cargo  on the flight by pressing
 or to put all the cargo by pressing 
 after this will appear window with a list of flights from which you choose your flight and thenpress 
 to add cago on a flight.


Tab AWB Routing 



You have the ability to add selected cargo  on the flight by pressing
 or to put all the cargo by pressing 
 after this will appear window with a list of flights from which you

choose your flight and then press 
 to add cago on a flight

To delete - press 

Tab Warehouse  

For realization of production from the warehouse specify the date and time
 and press 

Enter the number of bay in a warehouse in the graph BAY, to save, press
  you can also add a description  

Tab Correspondence and Files

In this tab, you can write a message, attach files and send e-mail.

To write a message, you need to press
 it opens a form for writing letters


You need to select a type of letter:

 - incoming letters

                    - outgoing letters

write a text of the letter and press  

To attach a file you need to press
 select the file on your computer and click 

The selected file appears in the following table: 


With the help of  
 button you can rename the file, and you can delete file with 

To send e-mail you need to press
 this will open a standard form of a letter, also you can attach a file to the message by pressing
 , filling all required fields and click 
 you send a letter.

Tab Tracking  

In this tab, you can trace the history of cargo when it was booked, taken to the warehouse, arrived to its final destination etc, also you can look at the history of sent messages.

Tab Revenue  


Using this tab, you can count and monitor earnings, for this you need in drop down window:

choose a company and in the window
 choose a bank. 

Pressing the 
 button you open the table to be filled with the following fields:


 - minimum weight


 gsa rate

Filling all fields, click
 for entering and maintaining data.  Follow the same steps to fill the table that opens when you click 

To fill in the following forms PRE Calculated by and ACT Calculated by click: 

 - to select the total weight

 - to select the total volume

When you press
  - have to write the actual data manually 

For selecting and pricing additional services at the bottom of the tabs are placed forms with their views:


In the top line in the first drop-down tab
 select the type of service, actual statements and weight / volume are inserted automatically
 in the following four windows

will be shown:  

 - rate

 - preliminary calculation

 - actual calculation


Also you can set fixed price in the box
 , after filling all the necessary forms, put a tick 
 and press 
 for creating and saving information, for deleting press  
 delete button

When selecting other service, rates for them will supplied automatically from the table (on condition that they are created for the chosen service) to add rates manually, click button

 «Instructions for creating rates»
 After filling of all forms press
 for confirm pricing and save the AWB
 You can create a Proforma by clicking
  it opens a window with a list of invoices, select and mark all needed numbers by
 and then press  
 it will open a Proforma to print it. 

If you want to join the service to a particular account, tick box
 and press button
    in window that appears, in the form
  enter an account number (if you want to attach it to an existing account) or press 
 for creating a new.


Tab Expenses

In this tab, you can conduct your expenses


In the drop down box, select the type of service


 - rate

 - quantity

 - calculation of total amount will occur automatically

- select the currency and the exchange rate

- this form makes an exchange to U.S. dollars 

- choose the type of client

 - choose a company of supplier

If payment is made in cash, put a tick in the box  

To create a new item, press
 , If you need to upgrade the recording, press 
 to delete button 

On the left side of the page is a column with five tabs, use them if necessary 

 - types

 - linked flights

 - countries

 - airports

 - create new

Tab Proforma

In this tab, you can print a Proforma, for this choose a company in the drop-down box
 , choose Bank in the window 

To open Proforma press  
 to update the list, press 

Tab Print


With this tab, you can print the information on the form of air waybill, on a paper, also have the ability to print labels

 - print on the airway bill form

 - print

 - print labels

In the field Label Note you can write a note that will be printed on the label. 


 - number of labels from which to start printing

 -total number of labels

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