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How to create new Rate Sheet

How to Create a New Cargo Rate Sheet

  1. Overview

The Cargo Rate Sheets section allows you to create and edit cargo rates. The process involves filling out the necessary details in various tabs to ensure the rate sheet is complete and accurate.

  1. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a New Cargo Rate Sheet

2.1. General Tab

  1. Start by Clicking the "New" Button:

    • Navigate to Home page → Shipments Stock & Rates → Cargo Rate Sheets.

    • Click on the "New" button to open the form for creating a new cargo rate.

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A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
  1. Fill in the Required Fields:

    • Name: Enter the name of the cargo rate. This is an obligatory field.

    • Number (optional): Provide the number of the rate sheet if needed.

    • Hub (optional): Specify the middle airport of the route.

    • Charge Type: Select the type of cargo rate.

    • Office: Enter the name of the company associated with the rate.

    • Stock Company: Specify the stock company associated with the rate.

    • Type: Choose the type of supplier.

    • Supplier: Enter the customer's name.

    • Valid From: Set the start date of the rate’s validity (obligatory).

    • Valid To: Set the end date of the rate’s validity (obligatory).

    • Currency: Choose the currency in which the rate is set.

    • Rate: Enter the value of the rate.

    • Type (Buy, Sell, Both): Select the type of cargo rate.

    • Unit (Kg, Lbs, Qty): Choose the unit for the cargo rate.

    • Rate Type (Export, Import): Select the type of rate.

    • Freight Collect Checkbox: If checked, the rate sheet will be available for AWB numbers with freight collect; otherwise, it won’t.

    • Truck Positions: Specify the position of the truck (first or last, used for the booking portal).

    • Days: Select the days of the week when the rate is valid (used for the booking portal).

    • Apply Days By: Indicate whether the rate applies to the truck or flight (used for the booking portal).

    • Notes: Enter any additional notes for the cargo rate.

  2. Save the Cargo Rate:

    • After completing the fields, click the "Add" button to save the new cargo rate.

2.2. Adding Destinations and Weights

  1. Add Destination:

    • Press the "Add Dest" button to add a destination.

  1. Add Weight:

    • After adding the destination, click the "Add Weight" button.

  • Fill in the fields such as Min Charge, Desk, Rate Type, Commodity, SHC Code, Notes, and DGR.

  • Click the "Update" button to save the data.

  • You can add multiple destinations and weights as needed.

2.3. Additional Functions

  1. Cloning Rates:

    • To clone an existing rate, select it and press the "Clone" button.

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  1. Exporting Rate Sheets:

    • To export a rate sheet, click on the "Export Rate Sheet" button.

  1. Deleting Rates:

    • Select the rate you want to delete and press "Del Selected Rates."

    • To delete the last weight, select the rate and press "Del Last Weight."

  1. Changing All Rates for Weight of the Route:

    • Select the route, press "Change All Rate," make edits in the sidebar, and click "Apply."

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  1. Sending Emails:

    • Use the "E-Mail" button to send the rate sheet via email.

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  1. Markup Field and Type:

    • Enter a value in the Markup field (Bulk or Percent), then click "Update" to save changes.

  1. Printing Rates:

    • Select one or more rates and press the "Print Rates" button.

2.4. Setup/Info Rates Tab

  • Adding Additional Information:

    • You can add origins, commodities, surcharge types, customers, customer groups, and flight types.

  • Select the relevant options from the selector and press the "Add" button.

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  • To delete an entry, click on the “X” at the end.

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2.5. Copy-Paste Rates Tab

  • Copy-Pasting from Excel:

    • Prepare your data in Excel following the provided format.

    • Copy the data, choose the appropriate options, and paste it into the rate sheet.

  • Make necessary changes and click "Apply."

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  • This function is mainly for creating new rate sheets. Using it in a sheet with existing data might overwrite some of the manual entries.

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2.6. Copy-Paste eRates Tab

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Extended Copy-Paste Guide for eRates Tab

To efficiently use the Extended Copy-Paste feature in the eRates tab, follow these guidelines:

General Requirements:

  • Ensure that your Excel file contains a full list of rates, including Origins and Destinations.

  • The only obligatory columns are those demonstrated in the provided Excel examples.

Copy-Paste Feature:

The Copy-Paste feature allows you to transfer destination, minimum charge, deck position, and rate type information from your Excel file to the rate sheet. To ensure correct formatting, please adhere to the following:

a. For Text Fields:

  1. Airport Code, Deck, and Rate Type Formatting:

    • Ensure these columns are in UPPERCASE (see Figure 1).

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Figure 1. Airport code, Deck, and Rate Type should always be UPPER formatted.

  1. Alignment:

    • All text fields should be aligned to the left (see Figure 2).

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Figure 2. Text formatting example.

  1. Wrap Text:

    • Disable the Wrap Text feature (found on the Home tab, see Figure 3).

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Figure 3. Ensure the Wrap Text feature is disabled.

  1. Font and Text Size:

    • Although theme font and text size do not significantly affect the copy-paste function, it is preferable to use Calibri font with size 11 (see Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Preferred theme font and text size.

  1. Color Formatting:

    • Ensure that all text fields:

      • Have No Fill for background cell color (default).

      • Use Automatic black for text color.

      • Have Conditional formatting turned off (available on the Home tab) (see Figures 5, 6, and 7).

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Figure 5. Example of disabling Conditional formatting.

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Figure 6. Example of No Fill cell color selected.

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Figure 7. Example of automatic text color selected.

b. For Number Fields:

  1. Alignment:

    • All number fields should be aligned to the right (see Figure 8).

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Figure 8. Text and numbers formatting example.

  1. Wrap Text:

    • Disable the Wrap Text feature (found on the Home tab, see Figure 3).

  2. Number Formatting:

    • Numbers should be split only by a dot (.) and not by a comma (e.g., 0.9 NOT 0,9, see Figure 8).

  3. Conditional Formatting:

    • Disable all Conditional formatting for number cells and format all numbers as Number type (can be done on the Home tab in the Number section, see Figure 9).

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Figure 9. How to change numbers to Number format.

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