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How to create new Rate Sheet

Home page→ Shipments Stock & RatesCargo Rate Sheets→ New button


Allows the creation and edit of the cargo rate for options

1. Manuals

How to create a New Cargo Rate Sheet

To create a new Cargo Rate press the New button on the Cargo Rate Sheets page.

Then you will see the form for creating a new cargo rate.

2. General tab

To create a new cargo rate you should complete the fields:

  1. Name - the name of cargo rate, obligatory field.
  2. Number (optional) - the number of the rate sheet
  3. Hub (optional) - the airport which is middle of the rout
  4. Charge type - the type of cargo rate
  5. Office - the name of the company for a rate
  6. Stock company - the name of the stock company for a rate
  7. Type - type of supplier
  8. Supplier - the name of the customer
  9. Valid from - the date from which rate will be valid, obligatory field.
  10. Valid to - the date to which rate will be valid, obligatory field.
  11. Currency - the name of the currency of rate
  12. Rate - the value of the rate 
  13. Type (Buy, Sell, Both) - the type of cargo rate 
  14. Unit (Kg, Lbs, Qty) - the unit of cargo rate
  15. Rate type (Export, Import) - the type of rate
  16. Freight collect check-box - if AWB number and rate Freight collect then rate sheet will be able for AWB, if no - then won't be able
  17. Truck Positions - the position of a truck, can be first and last (used for booking portal).
  18. Days - the days of a week when a rate is valid (used for booking portal).
  19. Apply Days By - you can clarify that rate will be valid for the truck or flight (used for booking portal).
  20. Notes - the field for your notes of cargo rate

After completing the necessary fields and creating a cargo rate press the Add button.

Then will be able to edit the other fields and other tabs.

And you can add other necessary data for your rate.

To add destination press on the Add dest button.

After adding the destination you will be able to add weight. To add weight for rate press on the Add weight button.

Fill all fields as you need such as Min charge, Desk, Rate type, Commodity, SHC code, Notes, and DGR, and for saving data press on the Update button.

Also, you can add destination and weight as many times as needed.

To clone rate press on Clone button.

And for export rate press on the Export rate sheet button.

To clone the certain rate select it and press the Clone button.

To delete the certain rate select it and press on the Del selected rates.

To delete the last weight select rate and press on the Del last weight.

To change all rates for the weight of the route select it and press the Change all rate button.

Then will open the sidebar for edit rates and for saving changes press the Apply button. 

Also, you can send mail by the just press on the E-mail button and follow directions.

Markup field and type - it is for an increased rate. Select type Bulk or Percent and enter a value in the Markup field and for save changes press on the Update button.

To print rates select one or several rates and press the Print Rates button.

3. Setup/Info Rates tab

Here you can add additional information for your rate, such as:

Origins - The name of origin airports (will pull up from General tab)

Commodities - the name of commodities (will pull up from General tab)

To add Surcharges types, Customers, Customer group and Flight types select it from the selector and press the ADD button.

Surcharges types - the name of surcharges

Customers - the name of customers

Customer group - the name of the customers' group

Flight types - the name of flight type

To delete entry press on the cross opposite.

4. Copy-Paste Rates tab

Copy-paste the Rate sheet details from the Excel table.

Copy-Paste tool allows pasting in 2 formats (having only destinations, and having both origins and destinations in your Excel file).

To paste you will need to prepare the data as per the attached below format and copy it to the clipboard.

  • Choose Origin (required field)  and Commodity type (optional). 
  • If you have several Origins / several Commodity types to which you would like to apply to rates - switch to Multi choose. 
  • Select ICAO or IATA radio-button - dependently what airport codes (IATA or ICAO) you have in your Excel file;
  • Chose the columns in Excel (together with the table header) and paste data from the Excel - Control + V keyboard keystroke; 

Make some changes, if needed, and click "Apply".

Then it will be available on the Setup/Info Rates tab in the Origins and Commodities fields.

NB Copy-paste function is dedicated mostly to new rate sheet creation. If you are using this option within a rate sheet with existing manually created data, please be aware that in case of discrepancy between the number of weight columns on the manual tab and on the copy-paste tab, data on the manual tab will be erased completely, and changed with the copied one. In case of full correspondence between those, data will be added in the end.

5. Copy-Paste eRates tab
To use the Extended Copy-Paste variant go to eRates copy paste tab.

Here you need to have the full list of rates with Origins and Destination in your Excel file. Kindly check the example provided below.

Please, note, the only obligatory columns are the ones filled in Excel examples.

Copy-paste feature allows you to copy destination, minimum charge, deck position, and rate type information and easily paste it to the rate sheet, to make it correctly please follow the next requirements:

a. For text fields:
1. Make sure that Airport Code, Deck, and Rate Type column in UPPER format (see Figure 1);

Figure 1. Airport code, Deck, and Rate Type should be always UPPER formatted.

2. All text fields should be aligned to the left side (as in Figure 2);

Figure 2. Text formatting example.

3. Wrap Text feature has to be disabled (it is available to turn it off on the Home tab, see Figure 3);

Figure 3. Make sure the Wrap Text feature is disabled.

4. Theme font and text size do not have any serious influence on copy-paste option but it’s preferable to have Colibri font with 11 text size; (as in Figure 4)

Figure 4. Preferable theme font and text size.

5. Also, be so kind to check that all text fields do not have any Color formatting like Fill color (background cell color should be No fill by default), Front color (text color should have Automatic black color), all Conditional formatting should be turned off as well (available to turn off on Home tab) (as in Figure 5, 6 and 7).

Figure 5. How to disable Conditional formatting example.

Figure 6. Example of No Fill cell color selected.

Figure 7. Example of automatic text color selected.

b. For number fields:

  1. All number fields should be aligned to the right side (Figure 8);
  2. Wrap Text feature has to be disabled (it is available to turn it off on the Home tab, see Figure 3);
  3.  Numbers should have been split only by dot, not by comma (e.g. 0.9 NOT 0,9, see Figure 8);
  4. Same as for text that’s better to disable all Conditional formatting for number cells as well as format all numbers only as Number type (can be done on Home tab in Number section, please check Figure 9).

Figure 8. Text and numbers formatting example plus.

Figure 9. How to change numbers to Number format.


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